Health care spending - Oh, the times have changed

11:43 AM
Health care spending - Oh, the times have changed -

money2 In their annual report, the California Healthcare Foundation recently published "the costs of health care! 101 ", which provides details on the progress of medical costs in the United States. Believe it or not, health care spending in the United States was effectively in a slow growth model of the last decade. In fact, 09, spending on health care had the lowest increase recorded at only 3.9 percent, but -. that is all about to change

in 2014, the affordable care Act (ACA) should cause-off increase in health care spending will increase costs of 7.4 percent over 2013.

some key findings taken directly from the study:

  • Nearly $ 20000000000 was spent on health care in the United States in 2010, or $ 8,402 per person
  • in. 2010, the federal government has become the largest funder of health care ( 29 percent of spending), exceeding the households (28 percent) for the first time.
  • The expenses of Medicare and Medicaid and consumed 23 percent of the federal budget than defense spending three percentage points.
  • The federal government has spent half its revenues on health care; the costs of health care will consume 6 percent of personal income.
  • public health insurance paid for 39 percent of the nation's health care; private health insurance paid 33 percent. Out-of-pocket consumer spending accounted for 12 percent of all spending, a figure that has been declining for many years.
  • 96 percent of the cost of prescription drugs in 1960 were taken over by US consumers. In 2010, that number had fallen to 20 percent. The federal government provides more than half of these costs today.

Infographics make us smile. They provide a visually pleasing way to organize complex information. When a computer graphics is animated and interactive, we really lose control! The California Healthcare Foundation published it in collaboration with their conclusions. It further illustrates the many changes that have occurred over the years regarding the costs of health care in America.

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