Pennsylvania and New Jersey Subscribe to Health Insurance High Risk Pools

6:25 PM
Pennsylvania and New Jersey Subscribe to Health Insurance High Risk Pools -

philadelphiacityhall Pennsylvania launched the new health insurance pool high risk that will allow people with pre-existing medical conditions to get insurance coverage means. Nearly 1,000 Pennsylvania residents with medical conditions applied on the first day to the high-risk pool by mail in applications according to The Philadelphia Inquirer .

Pennsylvania intends to have 3,500 eligible people enrolled in the program on a first come, first served and hopes to have about 5,0 people in it in 2014.

The Highmark Blue Shield group in Pittsburgh administers the plan and benefits include coverage for mental health, prescription drugs, laboratory services, standard preventive care, and hospital and medical services.

New Jersey began accepting applications recently too. New Jersey estimates that around 21,000 people could possibly get coverage of its state plan, with coverage costs between $ 213 and $ 660 per month - depending on age and if a resident is a smoker.

Of the $ 5 billion allocated for high national risk pools, Pennsylvania was given $ 0 million to its fair AP Care Program and New Jersey was given $ 141 million to its NJ Protect.

To be eligible for subsidized health insurance - people must have pre-existing conditions, be a US citizen and resident of the state, and have been uninsured for at least six months.

Pennsylvania and New Jersey are only two states that have chosen to manage their own high-risk pools, about 21 other states have adopted the federal government already accepts applications too.

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