The largest Medicare fraud case Goes to Court

10:17 PM Add Comment
The largest Medicare fraud case Goes to Court -

jail On 10 July 2010, 94 people were indicted in the most large Medicare fraud bust ever made. The bust was in five states and totaled $ 251 million.

The doctors and nurses through Miami, New York, Detroit, Houston and Baton Rouge were arrested. They were accused of falsely billing Medicare for using the necessary equipment, home health care, physical therapy, medical equipment and HIV treatment for patients who never received them.

Brooklyn Two doctors who were involved have been accused of paying patients with the money to get them to sign for unnecessary treatments. According to Kaiser Health News , the group billed Medicare for $ 72 million and received $ 46.9 million in refunds. This is only a system unveiled in the bust of fraud, while fourteen other defendants are detained for separate regimes in Brooklyn.

The arrests came as Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. and Secretary of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius, held the first of a series of regional summits on care health fraud prevention in Miami, Florida.

Since the reform of health care and this new push to crack down against Medicare fraud has been triggered - more and more cases of Medicare fraud are emerging. This shows that there may be a stop at the Medicare fraud and that more must be done to control the billions of dollars wasted against fraud.

IRS Hurdles forecast to reform health care

11:18 AM Add Comment
IRS Hurdles forecast to reform health care -

computer Recently, in a semiannual report to Congress, the Internal Ombudsman Revenue Service cited obstacles that the IRS could face new regulations for the reform of health care. The IRS considers that they are not well structured or have the funding they need to manage all the new responsibilities.

Nina Olson, head of the Office of the National Taxpayers' Ombudsman said: "I have no doubt that the IRS is capable of administering social programs, including health care. But Congress must provide sufficient financing and the IRS itself must recognize that the skills and training necessary for the administration of social benefits programs are very different skills and training that employees of an organization to Application usually possess. "

For the implementation of the provisions for the reform of health care, they will be required to:

  • Validate income for households who apply for premium assistance credits new exchanges Medicare
  • Determine what small businesses are eligible for tax credits
  • Confirm that Americans follow the mandate of the individual health insurance
  • Collect sanctions of Americans who do not follow the mandate of the individual health insurance

Furthermore, the IRS should change its mission soon because they will now administer aspects of financing health insurance as Washington post .

IRS will definitely have a huge role in the implementation of the reform of health care and the individual insurance mandate -maladie. Without funding and adequate training, they will not be able to administer all parts of the reform in the best way possible.

New head of Medicare reception Still Criticism

9:16 PM Add Comment
New head of Medicare reception Still Criticism -

uscapitol2 Dr. Donald M. Berwick, the new head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, was appointed two weeks ago and the appointment continues to receive criticism. The appointment was made by President Barack Obama while Congress was away on recess.

There are not yet had a confirmation hearing for Dr. Berwick and he probably won y "t be a confirmation hearing took place as Democrats in the Senate still needs a set

Since his appointment, Dr. Berwick has not made any public comments and the white House has refused interviews for him. - leaving Americans with some ideas for what it will do to the future of Medicare and Medicaid.

the appointment of Dr. Berwick is essential to the implementation of the reform of health care. But since he was appointed at recess, it will be only the new position 18 months without confirmation by Congress the New York Times .

Senator Orrin G. Hatch said, "Dr. Berwick has a great reputation as a pediatrician, but he 's made some of the most bizarre statements I "ve heard in years. The Democrats' decision not to go through the regular confirmation process, when they have 59 votes in the Senate, shows they are afraid of his philosophy displayed to the public. "

Dr. Berwick is known for his praise in the British national health care system. Surprisingly, there have been recent news that the Great Britain plans to decentralize health care system because the costs are too high and wait times for care are too long.

As Dr. Berwick expected to make public announcements and its audience continues confirmation stall the game and the criticism will continue to fall. It will fund health care for one in three Americans, and Americans deserve to know who represents their health care.

Effective health insurance changes next month

8:14 PM Add Comment
Effective health insurance changes next month -

americanflag Since the rules and regulations of the reform health care continue to make, many consumers need to understand what benefits they will see the reform of health care. September 23, 2010, there will be many new benefits consumer-oriented that will provide better coverage of health insurance for many Americans.

Those with group health insurance policies can not see these new benefits for some time. Many group health plans have grandfather status, which means they will not have to provide these benefits until they change their plans. However, people who want to benefit from these new provisions immediately can search for individual health insurance policies in the fall

The provisions that will change new Medicare plans include next month :.

  • free care and prevention services. Consumers no longer pay coinsurance and coinsurance for preventive services in 2011.
  • Dependents are covered up to 26. Young adults can stay on health insurance policies until parents they turn 26 -.. even if they aren "t in school or are borne
  • New calls of complaint process will be easier for consumers to call medical claims of companies health insurance.
  • no additional charge for emergency services off-grid. consumers who receive medical care in an emergency room outside of their network will not be charged more.
  • fewer restrictions on the choice of health care providers. patients will not have to get referrals from primary care physicians to visit the pediatrician or OB / GYN who obtain the status of primary medical care.

consumers should compare health insurance quotes and talk to a licensed agent to determine whether to use these new benefits of reform health care and to change plans.

Medicare boss under investigation for conflict of interest

7:13 PM Add Comment
Medicare boss under investigation for conflict of interest -

money Dr. Donald Berwick is an important man these days because it is the new administrator for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and is responsible for implementing much of the reform of health care. But a recent study has found irregularities regarding past funding sources on its financial reporting and the agreement of ethics that "s used by officials to identify possible conflicts of interest.

According to the Washington Times , Dr. Berwick was asked some standard questions about the finances of his institute Healthcare Improvement if it went through the regular confirmation method. However, the latest month recess appointment will allow it to hold its position without the need of a Senate hearing or vote at the next session of Congress ends.

Republican Senator Charles E. Grassley of Iowa, who is the ranking member of the Senate finance Committee "is interested to know that funds the institute Healthcare Improvement and if one of the donors were examined by the ethics officers when Dr. Berwick was examined for conflicts 'interests. He is particularly interested in the gifts of health insurance companies in the past.

The White House noted that Dr. Berwick is in full compliance with ethics regulations.

In the meantime, Dr. Berwick is seeking a waiver that allows it to act in cases that involve some organizations due to previous contracts. If he gets the waiver, it won "t be able to participate in contracts, investigations, audits, appeals, or conflicts with these organizations. And Dr. Berwick must be accompanied by an employee of the Department Health and Human Services if he has any contact with them.

Rhetoric Democratic Change reforming health care

6:12 PM Add Comment
Rhetoric Democratic Change reforming health care -

obama2 A recent meeting with advocates of reform and puts Democrats highlight the fact that the reform of health care is gaining popularity. Before the law passed, many believed - including President Barack Obama - reform would become more popular after its passage. Now the belief shown to be completely unjustified and Democrats are changing their level of rhetoric and game.

Recently Politico reported that FamilesUSA led a conference call and presentation that focused on defense reform and win skeptics of reform. People under 40, Latinos and women who do not go to college are the three main groups that will be targeted with the new campaign because of their traditional support for Democrats.

The presentation concluded that people are not aware that the adopted reform and that fans should focus on positive changes to health insurance policies.

The presentation highlighted these strategies to gain support:

  • Avoid claims the new law will reduce Medicare costs or reduce the deficit
  • Tell people that the reform of past health care
  • Avoid citing long list of benefits to voters
  • Use personal stories to show the benefits of the reform and the make relatable to the public
  • Don "t overpromise what the law provides keeping small claims and credible

the presentation even suggests that supporters should say." the law is not perfect, but it does good things and helps many people. now, we 'll work to improve it. "

Maybe these new tactics will change the way people believe in reform and continue to enrage people who oppose it.

New York law aimed to Ease Life End healthcare decisions

5:11 PM Add Comment
New York law aimed to Ease Life End healthcare decisions -

hospital It is never easy when someone one has an incurable disease. That's why New York Legislature recently passed a bill requiring doctors who treat ill patients to provide them the right information about prognosis and options for the terminal end of life care. This includes palliative care, the management of aggressive pain, and other processing of maintenance of life is possible.

The new law, called the Law of New York Palliative Care Information, is designed to ensure that terminal patients are informed of all their health care options and legal rights.

The report The New York Times , some patients choose aggressive treatment when they are sick while others prefer to have adequate comfort care when they know that their lives are in come to an end. Many people accept their fate when told the truth and would rather their pain instead of trying to prolong their lives.

Studies have shown that when people discover their conditions are terminal they "t usually suffer from severe emotional stress. But they do when they haven" t been informed of their conditions for ending talks life and take the treatment until the last days of their lives.

The law also seeks to encourage physicians to be honest with terminal patients as it can also reduce patients' unnecessary and costly to try kinds of treatments. Many patients prefer to take advantage of health services palliative which are covered by Medicare, which is also cheaper than the aggressive treatment in hospitals.

many still believe that doctors and nurses should be specially trained for the end of life situations so that they can properly hold discussions with patients and inform them of their situations.

Government Launches Spanish Site Health Care Reform

4:10 PM Add Comment
Government Launches Spanish Site Health Care Reform -

fruitsmiley Recently, the Obama administration issued a new site care reform Spanish health boast health insurance benefits for Latinos. The site will fill a void in the Government's reform for Latinos.

Many criticized the Obama administration during the debate on health care because illegal immigrants were excluded from the reform. The law even prevents illegal immigrants to buy a health insurance coverage with their own money.

With the announcement of the new site, President Barack Obama issued a statement highlighting the favorable provisions of the reform. He talked about health care centers, exchanges, subsidies to health insurance and free preventive care.

Barack also said, "For too long, our health care system has not too many Americans, with Latinos among the most affected. Nearly a third of all Latinos are uninsured, the highest of any racial or ethnic group ... But with the passage of the new law on health care - the Affordable Care Act - a milestone crucial for health care in the Latino community by focusing on the same issues that prevent them from achieving better health, and extend care to millions of Americans. "

the reform website home health,, was launched on 1 July and more than one million visitors since. in early October, the site will be updated to include estimates for health insurance plans to that consumers can compare prices as the government website allows consumers to compare private and public plans on the site.

CIGNA Health Insurance Company Pushing International Business

3:09 PM Add Comment
CIGNA Health Insurance Company Pushing International Business -

worldmap Many health insurers have begun to develop their international business as the future remains uncertain profitability of the US and it seems more attractive in other countries. CIGNA health insurance company will be expanding its international links by offering individual policies in Spain next month.

According to The Wall Street Journal , individual health insurance policy is supposed one of the first in the international market to be offered by a US insurer. Many European countries pay for the residents of health care, which results in long waits or other negative impacts. And CIGNA believes that individuals who are unhappy with their current health care system will turn to insurers to provide better care.

Bill Atwell, CIGNA "the president of international products, said." The reality is that these foreign markets are growing at double digits and making them attractive "

CIGNA sells Plans in 27 countries and has expanded its overseas network of suppliers by 55 percent within 18 months.

UnitedHealth and Aetna have also been growing their international business markets. UnitedHealth Group handles the management of illness programs for Britain "National Health Service s. Health insurance Aetna bought a company in 07 to offer individual policies for expatriates and contracts worldwide with 61,000 health care providers .

There are European insurers that offer complementary plans for health care policies of the government. But CIGNA believes he can compete and also offer supplemental plans and individual policies.

More companies may follow depending on how the reform of health care changes bottom line insurers in the coming years.

Health insurance policies Battle Over Children Only continuous

2:08 PM Add Comment
Health insurance policies Battle Over Children Only continuous -

ER The battle between the Department of Health and services (HHS) and health insurance companies continue the policies of one child. The Corner coverage mentioned last week that health insurers are considering leaving the child in the political market measures only new provisions for the reform of health care in the kicks - ensuring coverage for all children.

HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius sent a letter to Blue Cross Blue Shield and America 's Health Insurance Plans to discuss ways that insurers may be able to continue to offer policies only child.

the same HHS has issued new regulations to help health insurers offer policies by political the following regulations have been issued :.

  • health insurers will be able to raise rates based on health status, so policies for sick children will be more expensive than policies for healthy children.
  • businesses will be able to impose surcharges to drop and reapply for coverage.
  • There will also be new rules to prevent parents from dumping policies after they used the benefits.

as some insurance companies have decided to abandon the policy of one child, other insurers have jumped on board because of the uncertainty in the market.

Sebelius wrote, "While we appreciate the concerns of insurers and commissioners about the selection of unfavorable risk, and we want to clarify what legal options, the fate of millions of parents who desperately want to provide health coverage and critical treatments for their children is a top priority, and we hope that the insurers who have years offered policies for children than for healthy children would not deny coverage to families who desperately want to purchase health insurance. "

Other companies Waiver Request on limited health insurance policy benefits

1:07 PM Add Comment
Other companies Waiver Request on limited health insurance policy benefits -

redflags As the controversy still surrounds the application McDonald "for a waiver on their mini-med plans and limited benefits, more companies are asking the same waiver. US restaurants require mini-med plans that provide health insurance to 1.4 million in part-time minimum wage employee to be exempt from the reform of health care provisions.

health insurance CIGNA also request a waiver for customers as limited benefits Bloomberg News .

many limited benefit plans may not meet the medical loss ratio (MLR) requirements that will force companies to spend 80 to 85 percent of premiums on health care spending. Restaurants face extremely high turnover rate and the paperwork is costly for these health insurance plans with limited benefits.

But as more companies require a waiver, Senator Jay Rockefeller calls BCS Insurance Group, which provides limited benefits plans for McDonald's, "to provide five years of data detailing the premiums, the amount spent on medical care and the number of workers who received annual ceilings on benefits.

movement is somewhat surprising that McDonald s "for the lifting and not the health insurance company. And medical loss ratios are still to be defined so that it is preemptive to ask Senator data.

The letter that Senator Rockefeller sent said, "your business is apparently spending a significantly lower percentage of McDonald" s employee 's health care premiums on medical care "than what is required by reforming health care.

It is guaranteed that the policy will continue to surround the last obstacle to reform health care.

combat health care providers Medicare payment cuts ... Again

12:06 PM Add Comment
combat health care providers Medicare payment cuts ... Again -

scissors Nobody likes to take a pay cut, especially when it "s by a huge 23 percent. But that is what doctors who treat Medicare patients face in the near future, and they want to see that change.

they hope that Congress deals the proposed pay cuts when its members back into action on November 15 reports American medical News . the American medical Association (AMA) and many other medical societies and organizations hope that lawmakers will be able to stop the pay cuts before they will come into force. the health organizations say cancel the cuts is essential if Medicare is to remain sustainable.

WADA and 0 medical health companies and state have asked Congress to try to stabilize the doctors' pay for Medicare, at least until the end of 2011. Congress has already delayed reduced pay the few times this year.

Many doctors aren "t sure how to pay for the proposed reductions will change their future participation in Medicare that cuts come at a time when doctors are allowed to change their participation in . health program of the government is thought while most physicians are dedicated to Medicare and its patients - many of them might have to change their status by putting a limit on the number of Medicare patients that they treat

Medicare payment cuts were delayed and a low kick in. long road. If payment reductions can "t be now, will they ever?

Future of health care costs is dark as diabetes rates increase to

10:04 PM Add Comment
Future of health care costs is dark as diabetes rates increase to -

peardiet A new report by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention shows that cases of diabetes may increase to 100 or even 0 percent by the time 2050 rolls around. The report states that as many 1 in 3 US adults could suffer from the disease in 40 years.

However, it "s good news mixed with the announcement that diabetics are living longer because of improved glycemic control and medication. People are also diagnosed with the disease earlier.

One reason for the expected increase is because Hispanics and African Americans populations are growing across the country and they are more susceptible to the disease. the increase in overweight Americans is also the cause more Americans to be diabetic.

diabetes should be taken seriously because it is the leading cause of kidney failure, amputations and blindness in adults in the nation . it also leads to many strokes and heart attacks and is now associated with certain types of cancer, lung disease and dementia.

many medical experts believe one way to fight against diabetes implement policies and programs to prevent diabetes and obesity at all levels, starting in schools.

It is estimated that diabetes is costing the nation $ 174 billion a year by year, with $ 116 billion of that going directly to medical expenses. The American Diabetes Association believes that this figure could double over the next 20 years - a growing cause of concern for many health insurance companies and experts in health care.

Many Americans can not afford health insurance with COBRA subsidies

11:05 AM Add Comment
Many Americans can not afford health insurance with COBRA subsidies -

money Fewer Americans than expected took advantage of the COBRA subsidy recent that was provided by the federal government. One report indicates that although the government offered a subsidy of 65 percent, not many people enrolled in COBRA after losing their jobs.

The average cost coverage for a family more than $ 13,000 per year, which means it still costs about $ 5,000, even after the subsidy kicked in.

Benefits Research Institute employees studied the COBRA program and said the number of people who took advantage of the grant was much lower than expected.

The Institute said in a recent publication that the number of people who took the government's offer was disappointing and believe that the cost of the program was the cause.

This is certainly not good news for those who support the reform of health care because it relies on subsidies to help people afford insurance when the individual mandate Medicare requires Americans to buy coverage in 2014.

the purpose of the grants is to help Americans who can not afford the cost of health insurance. Although COBRA tends to be more expensive coverage, this may be an example of what is to come if people can not afford health insurance in a few years.

Participation in high-risk pools was also lower than expected, which may also be due to the costs and unemployment.

Texas threatens to abandon Health Insurance Program

9:03 PM Add Comment
Texas threatens to abandon Health Insurance Program -

texasmap Texas Legislature is considering abandoning Medicaid, the health insurance program for residents low income, save money. While many countries are facing tight budgets and gaps, discusses Texas to drop the program entirely as reforming health care to grow in the coming years.

Now, the Texas Medicaid program covers 3.6 million Texas residents. The federal government pays 60 percent of costs totaling $ 45 billion for both years and the states pay the remaining cost.

Approximately ten states are considering the idea of ​​abandoning their Medicaid programs. That residents who are dropped from Medicaid will be eligible for health insurance subsidies provided by the reform of health care remains inaccurate reports Kaiser Health News . But if they are eligible for grants, there will be a large influx of people in the private market and subsidies could cost the federal government more than expected.

Abandonment of the Medicare program could only harm the residents of Texas, but also the economy - leaving Texas Legislature a monumental decision before them.

Regina Rogoff people "Community Clinic said," The real benefit of Medicaid is it "shared cost her, with the federal government to take a greater part." Medicaid withdrawal "will increase local property taxes, because the hospital emergency rooms can" t turn away patients. And has the involvement of us pay through federal taxes, to subsidize care in other sates, leaving the people who live in our state without care. "

the people of Texas would also paying taxes for other states Medicaid but not their own.

Billions could be saved by health care decisions better

8:02 PM Add Comment
Billions could be saved by health care decisions better -

applepills The researchers say that if more diseases related to lifestyle could be held then failed or prevented billions of dollars could be saved on medical costs each year in the United States. The 05-03 data showed the conclusion that if diseases such as hypertension, diabetes and related conditions could somehow be reduced - the cost of health care would be greatly reduced.

HealthDay indicates that if high blood pressure and diabetes could be reduced by as much as five percent, while the country should be able to cut about $ 9 billion discount on his insurance bill illness each year. It is believed that the medical conditions that are linked to high blood pressure and diabetes would also be reduced, which means the savings would could eventually reach up to about $ 24.7 billion annually in the near future.

"Our estimate of $ 24.7 billion in excess medical expenditures could be avoided annually if primary prevention were able to achieve a reduction of only 5 percent in the conditions we examined can be considered a conservative estimate of the investment in prevention activities could be offset by savings from medical care alone, "said the American public Health Association.

the association added that more research will be conducted to determine the real costs savings and how the prevention of primary disease may reduce the incidence of diabetes and high blood pressure. However, they say public investment to help the search would be justified because of the vast amount of potential savings on medical costs of government. "

government agency to develop drugs, improve health care

7:01 PM Add Comment
government agency to develop drugs, improve health care -

rxdrugs2 A federal research center will be held in October to help produce new drugs and medicines. The center's implementation is due to the recent concern of the Obama administration to slow drug companies.

The drug agency government a billion dollars will help create and find new medicines to improve health care and mental health. Lately many drug manufacturers have reduced the research because of problems with the search for new drugs and little success. The New York Times reports that usually it costs more than $ 1 billion to create a single drug and put it on the market. In 09, pharmaceutical companies have invested about $ 45 billion only in research - to $ 1 billion the government agency was funded seems barely adequate.

The new agency will be part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and will be called the National Center for the Advancement of Science Translational. It will develop new drugs and possibly to test on animals and humans, but then private industry will market and distribute the drugs.

Dr. Francis Collins, NIH is the directory, said: "None of this is intended to be competitive with the private sector. The hope would be that any project that reaches the salability point would be moved out of the school support online and in the private sector. "

Dr. Collins hopes that the agency will get more funding in the future member but a lot of research and staff NIH doubt its success.

CBO estimates that the reform of health care to reduce labor

6:00 PM Add Comment
CBO estimates that the reform of health care to reduce labor -

employees An estimate by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) is giving Republicans another chance to explain why health care reform should be repealed. CBO Director Doug Elmendorf testified before the Budget Committee of the House to reiterate that the reform could cause 800,000 fewer people working in the future.

The CBO report said: "The expansion of Medicaid and the availability of subsidies through the exchanges will actually increase the financial resources of the beneficiaries. These additional resources will encourage some people to work fewer hours or to withdraw from the labor market ".

Another reason why many people are out of work because of the reform of health care is the result of requiring health insurance companies provide coverage regardless of pre-existing conditions. Older workers who do not want to work more, but are not eligible for Medicare will be guaranteed coverage at an affordable cost. It could also encourage some workers to leave the labor market earlier than they normally would.

claims in the past, Republicans have pushed the CBO but this one seems to be in their favor.

Health literacy: How do you understand healthcare information

4:59 PM Add Comment
Health literacy: How do you understand healthcare information -

stethoscopekeyboard Have you ever gone to the doctor, but do not understand what he or she was saying? Well, do not worry because you are not alone. In fact, poor health literacy could cost Americans up to $ 238 billion each year.

Health literacy is so important that government experts and health only believe that improving health literacy will make health care reform work to expand coverage and control costs. In 2014, about 32 million Americans who were uninsured will have health insurance coverage. The Department of Health and Secretary Kathleen Sebelius Services said: "Health literacy is needed to reform health care a reality"

So what is health literacy and why. is it so important?

health literacy is the ability to understand and use health information including taking prescription drugs, results of tests, tests for cancer and other reports Kaiser Health News .

in 06, the Ministry of Education of the United States conducted a study that showed that 36 percent of adults have an understanding basic or below basic health equipment. the problem with the results show that up to 0 million Americans may understand health information in a fifth grade level or less.

health insurance companies, doctors and hospitals work to provide materials to consumers that are easy to understand and include graphics. They are also trying to promote physicians to use different language when talking with patients or ask patients to relay information to them at the end of the visit. This shows the doctor how the patient understands.

NFL Concerned About Health Insurance GIVING

3:58 PM Add Comment
NFL Concerned About Health Insurance GIVING -

questionmark Last week, The Corner coverage stated that NFL players are currently paying for their own insurance health due to expired contracts. Now the president of the Association of NFL players, Kevin Mawae, is worried that some players will not be able to pay their health insurance coverage.

Mawae said, "The biggest concern right now is that we have some young players who do not have insurance and who have to pay COBRA and who may not have the ability to pay on COBBRA the long term. "

COBRA allows players to keep their former levels of coverage, but they must pay the full premium, which averages $ 2,400 per month for a family. NFL Plans are more expensive than the average Medicare policies, but they offer generous benefits.

If Mawae wanted public sympathy, so it is doubtful NFL players will receive. According to Sports Illustrated , the minimum salary for a rookie is $ 320,000 and the average salary is close to $ 2 million. But NFL players will not get another paycheck until contracts are negotiated which is uncertain when it will happen.

Mawae also noted that the NFLPA has worked with players to prepare for the lockout so that they would be financially prepared but they worry the people who have not saved enough for period time.

After the declaration of Mawae, commissioner Roger Goodell NFL took the time to send later for players asking the union to start negotiating with the NFL again.

Launched program to save lives and health care

2:57 PM Add Comment
Launched program to save lives and health care - Cut Costs

emergencyroom2 Today, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS ) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced a new program to help save lives and reduce costs. The program, which was created by the reform of health care, will invest $ 1 billion to reduce errors and hospital readmissions in the coming years.

ABC News reports that a new study showed that nearly one of three hospital visits become an injury related hospital. hospital errors include cases where patients get infections or errors committed by various nosocomial health care providers. Health experts do not believe that the errors of the hospital are more frequent but hospitals use better methods for reporting errors.

Program goals include reducing preventable injuries up to 40 percent and reduce preventable readmissions to 20 percent by 2013.

By achieving these two objectives up to 63,000 lives and $ 35 billion would be saved on the cost of health care over 10 years.

Secretary Sebelius said: "Americans go to the hospital to get well, but millions of patients are injured because of complications and avoidable accidents. Working closely with hospitals, doctors, nurses, patients, families and employers, we will support efforts to help maintain patient safety, improve care and reduce costs. By working together, we can eliminate avoidable harm to patients. "

health care systems will sign a commitment to help HHS achieve these goals and improve the quality of care.

Health Insurance Companies Clinics opening

1:56 PM Add Comment
Health Insurance Companies Clinics opening -

emergencyroom In an effort to cut costs and save money, health insurance companies are now open medical clinics.

The clinics are designed to serve individuals on private Medicare and Medicaid plans to reduce unnecessary trips to hospital visits.

They provide emergency care, accept walk-ins, and perform other treatments are not generally given in doctor's offices and they also remain open longer.

States have worked to reduce Medicaid costs as they deal with deficits looming. And due to the reform of health care, health insurance providers will also begin to be reimbursed for quality of care instead of quantity. With these changes, it is likely that many of these clinics will open soon. And health insurance companies are now looking to buy care and new clinical practices started at a fast pace in terms of Kaiser Health News .

Doctors and health care providers working in clinics receive bonuses to keep patients out of emergency rooms and reduce admission rates.

John Forman, a health care consultant said: "It is really trying to make basic routine services more available, the hospital becomes the supplier of last resort."

These medical clinics are proving to be an effective and less expensive alternative to emergency room and hospital visits. With the expansion of Medicaid Reform health care and the baby boomers become eligible for Medicare, the flexible and coordinated care demand will continue to grow.

States Get Report Card on dental health care

12:55 PM Add Comment
States Get Report Card on dental health care -

teeth A new report shows that states have the best dental health policies and States that have the worse for children - which requires states with better dental policies offer better access and care.

Despite budget cuts and deficits across the country, 27 states have received an A or B for their dental health care services. Only 14 states have failed to improve their scores from the previous year according to the Pew Center on the States.

Ralph Fuccillo, the DentaQuest Foundation, said: "This report makes people think about what they can do on behalf of children and their oral health. There is a great opportunity for the government and the private sector to work together to remove barriers to care, promote prevention and encourage decision makers to make oral health a priority. "

Interestingly, the Corner coverage yesterday highlighted some issues that children face in getting dental care Medicaid services. Illinois is different from most states in that it will provide Medicaid to children regardless of income level parents through the health insurance program for children (CHIP).

Illinois was given a B because he met five of eight criteria that determine the rank of a State. However, Medicaid reimbursement rate for dental hygienists have reduced and the study was not truly determine how easy it was to make an appointment with a dental provider for Medicaid.

There is a large study for an overview of how states are doing to promote dental health policies, but more research is needed to understand the impact of dental policies on children.

Percentage of group health plans that cover specific medical services [INFOGRAPHIC]

11:54 AM Add Comment
Percentage of group health plans that cover specific medical services [INFOGRAPHIC] -


GoHealth created an infographic to visually demonstrate the percentage of group health plans that fully cover certain medical services.

The Ministry of Labour and the Ministry of Health and Social Services recently released a report indicating which services are covered by health insurance plans sponsored by employers.

The report stresses that all non-group health insurance plans are created equal. Even if an employer offers health insurance plan for employees - does not mean that all health care services will be included in the plan.

Some services that are not fully covered by all group plans include visits to the emergency room, maternity care, and physical therapy. This is especially important for women considering pregnancy in the future. Free maternity care, women do not receive the benefit of prenatal care, and they can expect.

Consumers who are not satisfied with their group plan can find coverage in the individual health insurance market. But it is still important for consumers to match the benefits and costs to understand what and how much is covered.

Click below to view the full image.

group health plans cover specific medical services

Federal government: free birth control with illness insurance

10:53 PM Add Comment
Federal government: free birth control with illness insurance -

flowersandgrass The recommendations of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has accepted a working group created by reform of health care for women's health services. From August 1, 2012, new health plans will provide all forms of birth control with no upfront cost to the consumer - marking a major victory for many groups.

The HHS also issued other recommendations, including the sharing of costs not to breast pumps and breastfeeding counseling, sterilization methods, HPV tests, screenings for diabetes gestational in pregnant women, and counseling and testing for HIV and domestic violence.

There were some exceptions to the new reporting guidelines The New York Times . Religious institutions that provide health insurance to their employees will be able to decide whether to follow the birth control rules. And insurance companies will be able to charge co-insurance for brand name drugs when generic versions are available, which will certainly cause confusion.

The reactions were quite positive with many women and advocacy groups praising the new regulations.

But as The Corner coverage emphasized the other day, there are no estimates on the amount of the new guidelines increase health insurance premiums or the long-term cost. Consumers may not have to pay for the initial services, but costs will be passed by the increase in premiums.

Another concern is that there will now be unnecessary medical visits for prescriptions for over-the-counter drugs like Plan B. But whatever concerns exist, these changes provide women with more birth control options.

Group Health Insurance Cost Saving Tips for Open Enrollment

9:52 PM Add Comment
Group Health Insurance Cost Saving Tips for Open Enrollment -

money For many companies, open enrollment is around the corner for health insurance plans of group. It is time that employees can change their current plans and trying to save money or get more coverage for the following year.

Here are some tips for employees looking to save on group health insurance costs in 2012:

  • People with a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) should compare the cost PPO to a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO). HMOs usually offer lower monthly premiums because there is a smaller network of health care providers. However, these plans will not cover off-network costs and require referrals to see specialists.
  • Employees who do not want to change a PPO to HMO Plan should consider a higher deductible. Increasing the deductible will reduce the monthly payments and can be combined with a health savings account (HSA). Remember to choose a franchise that can be reached in case of emergency or illness.
  • Instead of sticking with a medical savings account with an employer, consider opening an HSA with a bank. HSA allows consumers to enjoy the tax-free savings and the funds never expire.
  • Compare group plans to individual health insurance plans in the private market. group health plans are not always the best choice for some consumers.
  • Take advantage of wellness and prevention programs that employers offer. Some companies now offer premium discounts or other incentives for employees to start working and stop smoking.
  • At the request pharmacy generic prescriptions instead of brand name drugs.
  • Compare the cost of health care services before receiving care - especially when the co-insurance rate must be paid.

Five quick ways to cut Out-of-Pocket Health Care Costs

8:51 PM Add Comment
Five quick ways to cut Out-of-Pocket Health Care Costs -

orange-healthy Everyone wants to save money on the cost of care health. While the cost of health insurance continues to rise, consumers can work to take control of how much they spend each month on some health care costs.

Here are a few things consumers can do to immediately reduce their expenses out-pocket

1. Ask for branded generics.

2. Get a vaccine against the flu at work or at a pharmacy to avoid a share in the doctor's office.

3. For monthly medication, whether the health insurance company uses prescriptions by mail. mail order services are usually cheaper than a retail pharmacy.

4. Compare the cost of prescriptions between local pharmacies.

5. Check if a current health insurer offer reimbursements for gym memberships or wellness classes.

Steps to help your parents with Medicare Open Enrollment

7:50 PM Add Comment
Steps to help your parents with Medicare Open Enrollment -

applepills Medicare open enrollment is a great time to talk to your parents about their options Medicare and consider making changes. Although this is not always a fun conversation to have, it can save a lot of money and stress down the road.

Here are some steps to follow when considering the coverage of your parents during open enrollment:

1. Remind your parents that open enrollment ends on 7 December 2011 - the earlier than in previous years.

2. To see if there are changes to their current coverage, including the costs and coverage levels. This letter was sent in September, leaving plenty of time for her to get lost. If you are not sure if changes have been made, call the health insurance company and talk to them directly and ask them to send another letter.

3. Determine if the current coverage of your parent is always an excellent option or you need to shop for a new plan. Changes in health and finances are two good reasons to consider a new plan with more coverage, less or more affordable premiums deductible.

4. If you decide to change plans or to compare plans, get an understanding of your parents type of coverage prefer.

5. Talk to an insurance agent. An authorized officer will be able to help you choose a plan based on the needs of your parents.

Here are some questions to consider:

  • Is this plan provides coverage for monthly medication that your parents are? If so, what are the levels of co-payments or co-insurance?
  • Does the plan cover their preferred doctors and hospitals?
  • only covers non-network providers? (If your parents do not travel very often this may not be a significant benefit.)
  • Is their pharmacy to be included in the network or the plan does require prescriptions by mail?
  • What are the deductible and monthly premiums?
6:49 PM Add Comment
- Reasons to review your health insurance policy

firstaid Over the years, you can realize how quickly your health care needs change . It is important to consider these changes and make sure that your current coverage is exactly what you need a plan.

1. Your premiums have increased every year. If your premiums are increasing, try switching to a new plan. When buying coverage, you are put into a "pool" with other people. As this pool is aging and sometimes sickly, health insurance premiums will increase for the entire pool.

2. You did not go to the doctor in three years. Many people may think that because they have not gone to the doctor in a long time, they can cancel their policy. It is not a good idea - no matter how you're healthy, but instead of getting rid of the blanket completely try switching plans that are more economical. Switch to a plan with a higher deductible, lower monthly premiums and start saving money in a Health Savings Account (HSA). This way you can save money for future illnesses or injuries instead of spend on premiums for a plan that you do not use it now. Then, once you start using more health care services, try switching to a plan with more coverage or use of funds in the HSA.

3. There are or will be changes in your family structure. Whether you get married, divorced, or considering your children make health insurance coverage reflects these changes. If you already have children and they go to school soon, make sure that there are health care providers close to home for receiving assistance or services covered.

4. Current health insurance provider does not offer gym memberships. For many people who use the gym regularly and gym memberships, there are advantages to find a health insurance company that offers discounts or pay for members.

5. You need more coverage for prescriptions. If you started taking monthly medication and could use more coverage, consider changing to a plan with lower co-insurance.

The reform of health care washouts

5:48 PM Add Comment
The reform of health care washouts -

noentry The last couple of months have been very rough on reforming health care with many important provisions ruin and below their original purpose.

Here are some recent washouts reform health care :.

CLASS Act This provision was not repealed or replaced, but the Obama administration has finally admitted defeat on the bill and was in effect insoluble. The CLASS Act was supposed to provide individuals with a long-term care insurance, but many fear that only those who were already sick would join the plan and the health of individuals would find another plan on the private market.

Insurance Program for early retirees. reform of health care provided by employers, trade unions, local and state governments provide subsidies to early retirement with health insurance coverage until they are eligible for insurance disease. The program would provide businesses with funds to continue to offer coverage to retirees until 2014. Unfortunately, the program has already run out of money and stop the distribution of funds and acceptance of new employers this year.

essential health benefits. One of the main changes to the health insurance plans was that the federal government would define what health care services should be included in health plans and those that should not be cutlery. Many consumer advocates and the health industry have spent millions lobbying the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is to provide generous benefits or ensure that health plans were still affordable. Anyway, HHS will not to worry anymore. They'll let the states decide on which services should be included in health insurance plans completely and just allow States to move forward with the issue.

In 2010, there were 2156 health insurance mandates highlighted by the Council for Affordable Health Insurance across the country. United have already been doing the work that the HHS is passing over them.

As part of the reform of health care continue to fall into oblivion, one wonders what parts of the reform will actually survive.

What to avoid in the health insurance comparison quotes

4:47 PM Add Comment
What to avoid in the health insurance comparison quotes -

crossbandaids The comparison of products through a website may seem like a process lengthy and unfortunately, finding a health insurance coverage can be a bit more complicated.

to make it easy on yourself consider the following tips for what not to do:

1. Enter your personal information on more than one site. When you enter your information, you can receive calls. To avoid excessive phone calls, just enter your information on one site.

2. Use a website that redirects you to another site. Many health insurance sites do not have to mention technology. If you are taken to another site for health insurance and try to avoid putting your information on the website you are redirected. There are only two major platforms that compare health insurance quotes across the country: and eHealth.

3. Do not enter your personal information if you are just researching the plans. Wait until you are serious about buying a policy.

4. Find the TRUSTe and VeriSign logo on a site before completing the personal information. If you are really worried then click on the logos to ensure that the site has active accounts.

5. If you are interested in a particular health insurance company does not just compare the shots on their website, other companies may have better benefits or services.

6. If you have pre-existing conditions, do not lie in the implementation of a plan and not to implement a plan. It is best to talk with a health insurance agent to see if they know what health insurance you can accept this condition or they can refer you to join a pre-existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP) instead. The PCIP plans were created by the reform of health care and are offered in every state.

Most and least expensive states to purchase health insurance

3:46 PM Add Comment
Most and least expensive states to purchase health insurance -

usa As consumers move between states to generally consider the cost of living, the housing market and how much they will be paid, but they can not think about the cost of health insurance.

Unfortunately, the cost of health insurance coverage varies greatly between states.

In the individual market health insurance following are the five most expensive states for coverage (most to least expensive):

  1. Massachusetts
  2. Vermont
  3. New Jersey
  4. New York
  5. Rhode Island

the five least expensive states for individual coverage include ( cheapest to most expensive):

  1. Alabama
  2. California
  3. Arkansas
  4. Idaho
  5. Delaware

in Massachusetts the average individual monthly premium is $ 437 or $ 5,244 per year. For a family of four, this number would increase quite rapidly from states with coverage more affordable. Alabama average individual premium is $ 136 per month or $ 1,632 per year - much more affordable than the states of the East Coast.

Why health insurance rates vary from state to state?

The rates depend on the condition and number of coverage mandates. For example, Massachusetts has an individual mandate requiring all residents to purchase health insurance, and it is a guaranteed transmission state. New York is also a secured transmission state which means that individuals are guaranteed coverage regardless of pre-existing conditions.

Some states also have mandates for certain levels of coverage or benefits. These levels could include maternity coverage, infertility treatment, coverage of autism, mental health services and much more. Typically, the larger coverage that is mandated, the most expensive health insurance in this state.

What entrepreneurs should know about Medicare

2:45 PM Add Comment
What entrepreneurs should know about Medicare -

briefcase For many small businesses, finding a policy of group that is affordable health insurance can be a difficult situation. Entrepreneurs should consider their own health insurance costs and those of future employees.

Why group health insurance is expensive for small businesses?

The cost of small business health insurance depends on a number of factors, including:

  • The overall size of the company. More society, in general, the more health insurance costs will be due to the fact that the risk is spread over a small number of people. Large companies have better rates because there are more people insured, spread risk.
  • general health of society. As many people make claims, health insurance rates will rise.
  • The average age of the company. Young adults are more affordable to ensure that older adults because they use health care services less often.

There are different options for entrepreneurs who want to offer their employees access to health insurance.

Here are some alternatives:

  • Find individual plans. Compare group health rates with a health insurance individual coverage in the private market. GoHealth Workplace is a program employers can use to make it easy for people to find health insurance.
  • offer to subsidize individual coverage. For employees who buy individual plans, offer to pay part of the monthly premium.
  • Using high-deductible plans. high deductible plans have low monthly premiums but let employees pick up more of the cost. While this may not be the best option for all employees, it will help business owners save money. These plans can also be combined with a health savings account (HSA) to accumulate funds for health care and business owners can provide funds to these accounts for employees.
  • Avoid mini-med plans. This type of policy provides employees with limited coverage that could leave them with plenty of off-pocket costs and plans will be completely eliminated by 2014. The government allows some employers to continue offering these plans now.
  • Select health insurance plans with limited networks. Health insurers can negotiate rates with some health care providers in an area to cut costs. A plan with a limited network will help reduce the cost of monthly premiums, but could be a problem if the contractor or employees travel frequently. This could also be a problem for employees who commute to work away.

Health Plan Same Different Franchise

1:44 PM Add Comment
Health Plan Same Different Franchise -

applepills Here's a little fact about health insurance that consumers do not know: Many companies Medicare offer plans that have the same coverage and benefit levels, but with different amounts of deductible and premium.

Why is this important?

Consumers may love their plan, the network and the benefits of current doctor, but then face changes in life that can not adapt their current franchise. This is extremely common - what happens every time a couple has a child, when a child goes to college and if a person changing medical needs.

Instead of going to a new health plan with different doctors, pharmacies and benefit levels, consumers should consider the same plan with just a different franchise.

What happens when the franchise is changed?

If a consumer decides to lower the deductible, Medicare monthly premiums will increase. But if a consumer wants a plan with a higher deductible, monthly premiums will decrease.

When to consider a different deductible for a health plan?

Consumers experience changes in their lives, which means it might be time to change the amount of the deductible. This can include changes in employment, personal health changes, adding children or removing children from a plane or when a consumer may be under-utilization of their current franchise.

How do consumers know when their current plan is offered with different deductible amounts?

Individuals can compare plans with different deductible amounts or simply contact their current health insurer to see if they can change the deductible on their plan.

Only child health insurance coverage

12:43 PM Add Comment
Only child health insurance coverage -

doctortoys Since the reform of health care adopted children were a health insurance coverage guaranteed regardless of pre-existing conditions.

Unfortunately, some health insurance companies left or considered leaving the child alone market coverage Medicare.

To offset the trend, many states decided to adopt open enrollment periods so that individuals would refrain for only purchasing coverage when the child or children ill.

See the following lists to see what states hold open enrollment periods and when.

Open Registration periods in January and July 2012:

  • Colorado
  • Illinois
  • Maryland

childhood policies available all year round:

  • New Jersey
  • New York
  • Oregon
  • Vermont

open enrollment in March:

  • Ohio

registration open from 1 July to mid-August:

  • Iowa (ends August 14, 2012) Frequency
  • Massachusetts (ending August 15, 2012) Frequency
  • South Dakota (ending August 15, 2012) Frequency

Availability and enrollment periods that depend on the insurance company:

  • Arkansas
  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • Hawaii
  • Idaho
  • Kansas
  • Missouri
  • Montana
  • New Hampshire
  • NM
  • Utah

Washington is currently holding two open enrollment periods March 15 to April 20, 2012 and September 15 to October 31, 2012. District of Columbia also has enrollment periods open in January or July.

Rethinking High Deductible, Low Health Plans Premium

11:42 AM Add Comment
Rethinking High Deductible, Low Health Plans Premium -


Many Americans with individual coverage or family health insurance opted for a high-deductible plan. Basically, these are insurance policies that charge monthly premiums lower than traditional plans because the insured persons are responsible for paying up to $ 5,000 or more in medical bills before their insurance benefits kick in. This type of policy is commonly called "catastrophic coverage."

Most people who buy catastrophic coverage are young adults or healthy adults between the ages of 50 and 65 who can afford the medical routine maintenance, but do not want a crisis unexpected health to ruin their finances. Before deciding on a high-deductible health insurance plan, consider all angles.


  • very low monthly premiums. This is by far the most attractive aspect of a high-deductible plan.
  • Financially savvy individuals can combine a high deductible plan with a health savings account and save money for health care services.
  • Under the reform of health care, these plans must cover 100 percent of preventive care with no deductible that requires to reach first.


  • In the unfortunate event that you need to use your catastrophic coverage, the insurance company will not pay a penny until you met your high deductible. If you do not have thousands of dollars to pay the deductible, you will find yourself in a difficult impasse. A health savings account could help you prepare for it.
  • Having to pay out of pocket for doctor visits increases the likelihood that you choose not to see a doctor for minor ailments. Apparently small health problems can become major if gone untreated.
  • Until 2014, when the reform of health care begins full, high-deductible plans can still secure a benefit ceiling of $ 1 million to $ 5. If you find yourself with multiple major health problems or chronic illness, this ceiling could be reached, leaving you responsible for all expenses after.

to become as well-versed as possible and make the right health insurance policy choice, speak with a knowledgeable health insurance agent. They can ask the right questions about your personal situation and point you in the best direction to meet your needs.

American and LGBT health care - the current situation and what is in front

10:41 PM Add Comment
American and LGBT health care - the current situation and what is in front -

bloodpressurecuff Public opinion on gay rights have problems slowly become more favorable throughout the years, picking up steam in the last decade in particular. In fact, a recent Gallup poll shows that for the first time, the majority of Americans are in favor of gay marriage. Support for this can be seen in the growing number of states now grant full rights or partial marriage to same sex couples.

Although the acceptance rate increasing, many members of the LGBT community still feel disenfranchised based on a number of political and social issues. In health care, research shows that LGBT people are not on an equal footing with their heterosexual counterparts

uninsured men gays - 2: 1. Compared to heterosexual men

the reasons for this are the force in Medicare rules regarding pre-existing conditions and uneven workplace policies.

The survey results on overall health

83 percent of heterosexual adults report having excellent or very good overall health. At 77 percent, the number of gay adults who responded in this way is much less. Since gays are less likely to have health insurance, which makes sense logistically. In addition, homosexuals have increased rates of cancer, depression and addiction.

Transgender people and overall health

This group reported the most dissatisfaction in the health care department. Only 67 percent of transgender people say they have an excellent or very good health overall. 50 percent report having suicidal thoughts at some point in their life, against only 2 percent of non-transgender people.

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) will work to bridge the gap between access to health insurance and health care in the lives of LGBT people. Here are some key provisions that will make a big difference.

  • Under the ACA, the health insurance exchanges can not discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.
  • LGBT Americans who could not afford health insurance in the past will be able to apply for Medicaid or may be eligible for subsidies through the exchanges.
  • Starting in 2014, health insurance companies are prohibited from denying coverage based on any pre-existing condition.

May is National Bike Month

9:40 PM Add Comment
May is National Bike Month -

This is the first we hear this, but apparently National Bike Month was a " thing "for fifty-five years. According to the League of American bicyclists, who developed the concept, National Month Bike is" a celebration of the unique power of the bicycle and the many reasons we ride " ..

And there are many reasons to ride, in fact if you have not been on a bike occasionally, here are some positive things about both wheelin it:

  • Great exercise
  • saves money on gas
  • No environmental impact
  • There is a proven stress reliever
  • This just straight-up fun

here in GoHealthInsurance we totally agree with the mission of National bike Month. In fact, all our staff has access to our super cool GoHealth bikes! As overprotective insurance gurus disease, however, we hope that our employees wear a helmet.

There are events and festivities that take place in cities across the country to celebrate. . For more information you could ever possibly hope for national bike month, click here

The following is a list of some of the most important dates:

    May 8

    Bike to School Day

    May 14 to 18

    Bike to Work Week

    May 18

    Bike to Work Day

This idea is really exciting - a sure sign that summer has arrived. Get out and ride, people, and remember to stay on the sidewalks. Moreover, even if you do not plan to pop wheelies, make sure you are covered by health insurance!