10 signs that should go to the individual health insurance

6:38 PM
10 signs that should go to the individual health insurance -

Many small employers and non-profit organizations for alternatives to traditional group health insurance search. One of the most popular health insurance options for small and medium entrepreneurs in investing is an employee individual health insurance premiums with a premium refund plan. signs_to_switch_to_individual

premium reimbursement plans are considered a reimbursement Alternative health benefits strategy, because the company offers health insurance certificates, instead of a specific insurance health. With a premium refund plan, buy employees, any individual or family health insurance. If an employee is to change individual health insurance the right approach for your business?

here must be reimbursed ten signs your business or nonprofit should change individual health insurance with a premium refund plan.

Sign # 1: do you can not afford (or do not want the price of pay) a small group plan

If you contribute health insurance costs for employees, but a small group health insurance is not can plan, employees individual health insurance premiums reimbursement may be a better solution for you.

With a premium refund plan your business calls the price. If you refund up a premium plan, you determine the amount "to the staff allowances health insurance contribution and there is no minimum fee is

Sign # 2 :. You must Recruit Custom health benefits and key employees retained

if you offer strategically different health benefits to different types of employees, then employees to reimburse the individual health insurance premiums is an ideal choice. for example, if older programmers are particularly hard to recruit in your competitive labor market and to , design your health benefits at a higher fee for this class of employees

sign # 3:. you need predictable health benefits costs from month to month and year to year

If you need predictable health benefits costs short and long term, then you should change your staff on individual health insurance. As mentioned in 1 #, enables a premium refund plan your business to name the price. The health supplement amounts can be adjusted to fit (or grow) your budget. Moreover, there is no increased annual renewal fees or as conventional insurance is common,

Sign # 4 :. You have a limited time and / or personal health benefits to manage

reimbursement of employees individual health insurance premiums is a wise choice for businesses with limited time and resources to manage health benefits. This is especially common in small and growing businesses and nonprofits. Health Benefits Manage often falls on the business owner or office manager. This is the time, the event successfully taken.

premium reimbursement plans are managed online by means of a premium refund software vendors. Once set up online, takes control 5 minutes per month.

Sign # 5: You want

Many small businesses to obtain from the health insurance

value proposition health benefits, but that research and dealing with the health insurance is find an administrative process. Switching employees individual health insurance allows companies from health insurance to get, while still providing a valuable employee health benefits.

With premium reimbursement plans, your small business relies on the plan and allows employees to buy, to their own insurance - such as car insurance. Employees can be reimbursed for their insurance from their health money.

A premium refund plan, the business to insurance company eliminated relationship, and it allows employees to choose the health insurance plan that best suits their unique health and financial situation.

Sign # 6: You want employees and their family members access to the Health Insurance Tax Credits to

employees individual health insurance exchange is a wise decision for the company, the employees want to give and their family members access to premium tax credits

Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), a health allowance does not count as qualified health insurance. Therefore, a health allowance, the non-employee health insurance disqualify tax credits. Employees can be reimbursed by their money for the non-subsidized part of their health insurance premium

With a traditional group health insurance, only to offer health insurance (as "affordable" and "qualified") disqualifies employees. - - And often their family members - of premium tax credits to access, even if the employee does not enroll in coverage offered

Sign # 7 :. You want a high return on investment (ROI) on the health benefits seen

More and more small businesses to quantify their spending in all areas, including health benefits and staff. If this applies to you, then premium refund plan a wise choice, because you will see more value - and thus higher ROI -. On health benefits

This is because individual health insurance premiums will cost on average less than group health insurance premiums. A 0 $ / month contribution to a premium refund plan will go further than $ 0 / month group health insurance premiums

Sign # 8 :. You saw, increase your small business health insurance reduce the costs and coverage levels

If you have seen the cost increase your small business health insurance, and as a result, coverage levels had to reduce, to pass on more costs to employees, or all together health fall, then individual health insurance is a good decision how.

discussed above, this is because the costs are controllable and predictable. Many companies that switch from the traditional group health insurance employee individual health insurance premiums see decreasing overall costs, and employee reimbursement of coverage rise

Sign # 9 :. They are open to innovative use and Edge Solutions cut the same or better results to achieve

If you win open to the use of innovative and innovative solutions have a competitive advantage, then your small business should your employees change individual health insurance. to use a premium refund plan is not a new strategy, but it is now really for health reform benefits for individual health insurance (guaranteed issue and premium tax credits).

companies that see the benefits, take off and take advantage of individual health insurance are at the forefront of this new health benefits trend that will soon become mainstream for small and medium-sized employers in the US

Character #. 10: Your employees Diverse Medical Needs

Finally, you should employees to reimburse the individual health insurance premiums if your employees change have a diverse medical and coverage needs. In the traditional group health insurance, it is most common to offer a health plan for small businesses. Companies with different health needs have a hard time, the needs of employees with a one-size-fits-all plan.

Working with the reimbursement of individual health insurance premiums, employee with a health insurance broker to buy any health plan from any carrier, with access to their favorite doctors.

What other signs are there that you or a client should change the individual health insurance premiums to reimbursement of employees? Leave a comment or question below.

Download The Guide to Premium Reimbursement

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