Changes for Open Enrollment Round

1:33 PM
Changes for Open Enrollment Round -

change_for_open_enrollment There has been a year since the first open enrollment for health individual insurance. The second open enrollment begins in just over a month. This year, consumers can expect new dates, prices and application processes. Here are some of the changes that consumers for open enrollment to see 2015.

A shorter open enrollment season with more Enrollees

Last year the Congressional Budget Office has predicted initially that 6 million Americans would enroll, was in the individual health insurance through the marketplace in 2014. After receiving members ended in March, the official registration number 8,019,763 in April.

The CBO many Americans enroll in coverage twice estimates of how last year predicted. They predicted that 13 million consumers enroll in market coverage in 2015. While last enrollments were distributed year over a period of six months time, this admission of members this year is only from November 15 - run 15 February.

help to open to make 2015 go as smoothly as possible enrollment An optimized process for most Enrollees

, was to work on their online registration process. While all candidates are required some screening questions to answer about 70 percent of applicants expected a shorter, updated application to be redirected. The remaining 30 percent with "complicated budgetary scenarios" will use the traditional market application.

can be expected, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the candidates who will be redirected to the simplified version of the online Marketplace application to, see:

  • Improved flow

  • navigate

    less screens

  • An application optimized for mobile users

  • reverse navigation

  • an updated look and feel

  • A shorter, smoother, simpler user experience

For more information about the updated application, click here.

A month to Store

When open enrollment 2015 approaches, all current market enrollee one month (from November 15 to December 15) to evaluate their current individual health insurance and see if there are any plans, in the marketplace, the better fit their needs.

consumer who is enrolled in coverage in the past year are enrolled automatically in its plan on December 15, 2014, a sum from 1 January 2015, consumers will be alerted in the mail from the Market and notifying their insurer about their 2015 receive premium and premium tax credit.

All participants who have already purchased a market policy, should still allowed their policies to auto enroll their health insurance options to weigh. This is crucial to ensure that they get the best deal for health insurance. sold for more insurance policies in the market this year, these prices will affect. Current enrollees should make sure that they still get a good deal for their premium dollars.

2014 premium tax credits were based on rates the second lowest cost silver plan in the marketplace. Since second lowest cost plan in the past year will probably not be the same this year premiums' current enrolles could go the same, while keeping its premium tax credit amount.

There are the premium tax credits based on household income, family size and region, enrollees should include any amendments to report to ensure that its 2015 premium tax credit estimate is correct.

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