Not suitable for tax credits? 5 Tips For Buying Health Insurance

10:30 AM
Not suitable for tax credits? 5 Tips For Buying Health Insurance -

With open enrollment only a few weeks away, will be many consumers the revaluation of their reporting or even health insurance for the first time to buy. A great stimulus health insurance through the marketplace for the purchase is the access to the premium tax credits. Although many Americans are loans entitled to financial support from the control premium, people with incomes above 400 percent of the federal poverty level are not likely to take a tax credit claim. So what can consumers who do not qualify for the premium tax credits to ensure that they get the best deal for health insurance?

Here are 5 tips for consumers individual health insurance to buy, specifically for those not eligible for premium tax credits.

1. Do not, located on the marketplace limit

Although the marketplace is a good way to get access to health insurance guaranteed issue, it is not the only place to shop. In addition to the marketplace, consumers can either shop through an insurance broker, a private website or purchase directly from the insurance carrier. The Health Insurance Marketplace provides access to premium tax credits, but if you are not entitled to the rebate it pays to look around - may have more options.

2. Consider

If you consider how much you want to pay for health insurance, consider more than just the premium price

, the monthly premium, but also the kinds of health issues can be in apply next year. In the past it was difficult to understand the levels of coverage of plans. This is no longer the case. From 2014 individual health insurance plans in four standardized coverage levels "metallic levels of coverage." Categorized, named These categories help you compare plans better "apples to apples".

metalic tiers

Along with the premium, it is important, other costs associated with the plan, to be considered as deductibles, co-insurance, co-payments and out-of-pocket maximums connected. You also want to check the plans, are covered for doctors and hospitals, such as health care received out-of-network providers can be more expensive considerably.

In order to save money, it is important to choose the correct metal layer for your health and financial needs. If you are unsure what plan to choose, it is always a good idea to an insurance broker you talk with your selections to help.

If you use anticipate a lot of medical services, it is ideal to select a Platinum or Gold Plan. Although premiums higher, you pay less out-of-pocket, when it comes, to obtain medical care. If you do not recognize a lot of health needs, with a silver or bronze plan choices is ideal to save money. Although it will be higher out-of-pocket costs if you need medical care, you will have a significantly lower premium pay

See this blog post. ACA Tip: How to save money on the individual health insurance

3. Contact an insurance agent or broker


feel? You're not alone. While the individual health insurance marketplaces have an easier time health insurance compare options, many consumers are not comfortable a plan for their own choices.

Since the market place of the second year of operation occurs, several major health insurance companies are to expand entering the marketplace or their presence in the markets. For consumers, this message is made more individual health plans and to choose more competitive in many of the state marketplaces. During this increasing competition for health insurance rates is large, the plethora of options for consumers can be overwhelming.

For this reason, we always recommend using a licensed insurance agent or broker to work, which can help you understand plans. In fact, studies show that people who buy health insurance with the help of a broker pay less for coverage and are happier with their plan.

4. registered on time

The main purpose of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was to ensure that as many people as possible taken under the health insurance. The more uninsured Americans, the greater the risk pool insurance consumers.

Under the ACA, most Americans are required have health insurance, or pay a tax penalty if they do not. This rule is called the "Individual Mandate" or "Individual shared responsibility fee" and began in 2014. Coverage can job-based health insurance, private health insurance or belong through a government program like Medicaid or Medicare.

having the penalty for not "minimum coverage", the "individual shared responsibility fairy." This fee is either a flat fee or a percentage of household income, whichever is greater. The penalty is increased in the first three years. This year will increase the fee of a maximum charge $ 95 for an individual to an individual for a maximum fee $ 325th The maximum fee for a family will increase by $ 285 to a whopping $ 975th Consumers who want to cover 1 January 2015 must register for coverage until December 15, 2014

How to Buy Individual Health Insurance Slipsheet

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