Why small businesses Brokers for health insurance counseling need

8:40 PM
Why small businesses Brokers for health insurance counseling need -

Working Hard-5 The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has many introduced benefits for the individual health insurance market. First, the ACA presented some uncertainties regarding the health insurance agents and brokers. While the individual health insurance marketplaces have an easier time health insurance compare options, many employees are not well a plan for their own choices. As open enrollment for 2015 approaches, it has been shown that employees and small businesses supporting agents for health insurance need advice.

Here's a look at why even health insurance will be brokers vital to workers and small businesses in 2015

most employees are inexperienced with purchasing Coverage

While the individual joint responsibility providing a lot of previously uninsured Americans affected health insurance for the first time of purchase, the Congressional budget Office estimates that there are still 30 million uninsured Americans. Many Americans will buy coverage for the first time, or will replace their plan for one that better suits their needs.

Since the marketplace the second year of operation occurs, another big health insurance companies are entering the marketplace or expansion in the markets of their presence. For employees, this means messages more individual health plans to choose from and more competitive in many of the state marketplaces. During this increasing competition for health insurance rates is large, the plethora of options for employees can be overwhelming.

Even with the ACA in full effect, the majority of Americans are misinformed or not informed about what the changes mean. A KFF tracking poll July showed that more than a quarter (26 percent) of the public thought that the people were enrolled in the policy by the ACA rewritten into a single government plan. They were not aware that individuals had the choice of individual health insurance plans, making it readily apparent that the employees have some important guidance through the health insurance marketplaces.

need Small businesses, guidance through the ACA changes

a Kaiser Family Foundation survey found that 68 percent of small businesses and 36 percent of people, individual health insurance purchase reported an insurance agent or broker to help with them. While 68 percent of small businesses reported with an agent or broker, an astonishing 94 percent of small businesses reported a consultant they need health care services in a survey by LIMRA conducted to the administration. The survey found that 84 percent of small businesses wanted plans at competitive prices and timely services to ensure a consultant.

Since small businesses are (fewer than 50 full-time employees) common to the employer responsibility fee, many small businesses rely on brokers for reporting to evaluate new options. Many small businesses are considering to recruit a premium refund plan to offer health benefits and keep top talent.

a premium refund plan By implementing employers reimburse employees tax-free for individual health insurance. Since the individual health insurance costs up to 60 percent less than group health insurance premium refund an affordable solution for employers who want to reduce their employees on health costs.

An insurance broker can help both employers and employees in these situations. A broker can help you find by a credible premium reimbursement software provider employers, and help employees to assist in the navigation through the individual health insurance marketplaces.

Questions about premium refund? Leave a comment below.

Download The Guide to Premium Reimbursement

Photo Credit: Hubspot

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