How to recruit - Better interviews in less time conducting

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How to recruit - Better interviews in less time conducting -

The following text is an extract from our free resource The 20 Greatest Recruiting and retention Tips . If you want to download the full resource, click here.

As a small business owner, hiring and employee interviews is an exciting time. But it can also feel frustrating - the candidates are not as good as you had hoped, you feel unorganized, and it feels like sucking a time. If this describes your interview process, it's time for a tune-up. Here are a few Small Business Recruiting Ideas to get better interviews in less time. Conducting Better Interviews in Less Time

Spend time with the most qualified candidates

I have to admit it, times have in my been career - both as a hiring manager and as a candidate - where I like the interview felt was a waste of time.

As a manager I thought "Why do I spend with this person time I?" As a candidate I thought "I wish me better for this job would have shielded -. I'm not a fit" In both situations, I find myself checked the clock and figure out a way to end the interview quickly.

So as personnel manager, what is the lesson?

Well, ever heard of the 80/20 rule? It also applies to the setting. S pEnd your time with the most qualified candidates.

How do you do this?

to develop a consistent interview process that you can spend time with the most qualified candidates, and allows you to evaluate candidates for both skill and business fit.

For example, do not bring in any person who applies. And they do not even bring in all the candidates that "look good on paper." Instead, perform a short 10-minute call all eligible candidates for the businesses, and to screen basic skills. Then only bring in candidates for in-person interview, after they pass the first screening.

Thus you will save and your team members, time. It allows you to spend the most time with the most qualified candidates.

Both candidates for skill evaluation and Company Fit

A candidate may have all the right skills, but if you with your company's culture is not fit, have the right attitude, and passionately believe in your product, they are not the right person to help your business to success. They are not worth it with plenty of time to spend

screen candidates both skill and business suit early in the interview process -. Eg during the first telephone interview. If they do not a skill and culture fit, not spend the time to bring them in for an interview.

How do you do that? How do you address the candidates to evaluate, by:

  • Will they be motivated by the growth and new opportunities in

  • How they will add in a unique or required way to the business?

  • they represent our company and brand vision?

  • Are they knowledgable about our product or service? Did they do their research?
  • Are they passionate about our product or service? Apart from your interviews to spend

Some Interview Tips

structuring time with the most qualified candidates and candidates both Rate skill and fit, here are more tips for successful interviews:

  • ask questions, and to dig deeper using questions follow up

  • set the tone and control the interview

  • to the job description to review corporate culture and advantages

  • Do you know what you can not (legally) ask

  • Put candidates the test with a hands-on exercise

  • Listen, and time for questions let


conducting interviews better in less time means candidate screening before you interview them to evaluate candidates for skills and cultural fit, and the right questions. Follow these guidelines and you will conduct interviews stellar and to find the best person for the job.

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