Health benefits of which are about your Small Business Say

2:58 PM
Health benefits of which are about your Small Business Say -

health benefits, a large part of each company, right? In fact, many candidates are looking specifically at what your small business to work activities and even their decisions for you on your health benefits. But many small businesses struggling healthcare benefits health insurance due to the rising cost of the group has to offer. Do not worry, we got a solution, so that you can offer health services that say something about your small business :. Premium refund for the individual health insurance

This article is an excerpt from our new e-book "The Small Business Guide to Human Resources." For a free copy, click here.

Why are health services important for your small business? Offering Healthcare Benefits That Say Something about Your Small Business

health benefits are important to your small business and allows you to gain and retain employees. Did you know that 49% of small businesses say they can not attract and retain top quality employees without competitive advantages? In other words, without a competitive advantage, it is extremely difficult to keep some of the best workers that you had since the day you have open. And when it comes to expand your small business, recruitment is even more difficult to provide candidates with no competitive advantage.

In addition, some health benefits as group health insurance are time consuming and expensive in your small business, but you still need to be able to offer competitive health services. So what is the solution? Offer Premium refund for individual health insurance.

individual health insurance premium refund

individual health insurance reimbursement is the way [offer affordable, portable health benefit to your small business employees. In fact, 100 million Americans by employer health insurance move on individually purchased health insurance in the next 10 years because individual health insurance allows you to:

Save time: Instead often go through with group health insurance confusing paperwork, offer premium refund for the individual health insurance means that you only deal with the refund. In other words, your employees go to the healthcare market, to buy a broker or online their own insurance. Premium refunds are administered monthly and takes five to ten minutes to complete

save money .: own a small business, probably means you track your finances pretty tight. Premium refund is a good way, 20% to 60% over the consolidated cost health insurance to save. As? It is actually simple. Make a monthly health allowance for each employee (ex. $ 150 / month). The employee then show proof of their premium costs and are reimbursed for their premium, up to the amount of the available balance. In this way, you can know exactly how much you are spending each month on health services. If your employee chooses not to use it or not, it is not used, the money stays with your company.

put a monthly health allowance for each employee (ie $ 100), and they will this amount each month for their individual health premium refunded. In this way you know exactly how much you are spending on your small business each month on health services.

dial provide: employees love choice and individual health insurance your employees allows to choose the health plan that fits their needs, lifestyle, and budget. Plus, employees will be able to choose the doctors and hospitals, they enjoy the most.

Recruit Better: As already mentioned, see candidates in the health services you offer. Premium refund for the individual health insurance allows you to provide health services that say something about your business - they show that interest you. And as a result, you will notice, recruitment is easier. You can proudly candidate affordable health benefits have your companies to go other perks and benefits .


If you want your employees offer health benefits about your small business, say that are affordable, portable, safe , and offer choice. The way to do this is through premium refunds for individual health insurance. You will be able to recruit and retain employees and allow for the growth and success in your small business.

What do you think about premium refund for the individual health insurance for your small business employees serving? Comment below and let us know.

The Small Business Guide to Human Resources
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