Small Business 101 - Managing Employee Performance

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Small Business 101 - Managing Employee Performance -

Whether your business is getting off just the ground, or you are a well-established small and growing businesses, the performance of the administrative staff is an important component to a productive and happy employees. Managing Employee Performance

but without a formal human resources department have many small business a formalized way to manage employee performance. The good news is, there are simple practices a small business owner can successfully start to manage employee performance.

Here is a quick look at what to include tips for managing the performance of employees in the performance reviews, and what to do if it. Time to end an employee

. Tip: This article is an excerpt from a Rent Guide to Small Business owners (click on the PDF to download)

What Include in performance reviews

Small businesses should processes have to be checked regularly, as new and existing employees perform. The performance appraisals should include :.

  • goals that over a period of time to reach an employee on needs

  • For the evaluation of these goals progress towards , and, if necessary, to solve a way specific performance problems.

  • a consistent rating system, or the extent to determine how well people achieve certain goals.

  • objectives based on the job description of the employee, projects or behavior, and "stretch" goals that challenge or an ability to enhance the employees.

  • to provide an opportunity for the employee feedback.

Employee Performance Tips

Please remember, one of the reasons for the performance of employees formally managing employees of labor laws such as the treatment is comliant stay of fair. As such, here are some tips for managing employee performance:

  • Hold regular performance reviews at. While this feels like a challenge for any multi-tasking small business, a consistent process will make evaluations, compensation and termination a smoother process.

  • document everything. This includes all performance reviews, meetings to discuss performance issues and corrective measures.

  • are on staff appraisal was consistent (treat all employees fairly and leave the same with respect, pay, discipline and other employment issues).

If you need to terminate an employee

Despite a small best efforts of entrepreneurs, sometimes things are not enough. To properly deal with redundancies:

  • Have procedures available to performance management and completion of

  • detailed records of misconduct or violations [

  • be consistent employee to employee.

  • meeting privately, face to face. If possible, have another manager in the room for support.

  • Have the necessary documents in full, so that employees immediately after leaving ahead of time.

What are your tips performance in a small or growing business to manage? Leave a comment below.
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