The average cost of health insurance

1:08 PM
The average cost of health insurance -

The average cost of health insurance in America is quite different from how you get your health insurance (eg: through work or on your own) and how much your budget deserves. Here's a look at the average cost of health insurance in 2014 Average cost of health insurance

The average cost of group health insurance

group health insurance is a type of health policy that is supported by a acquired employer and is offered to eligible employees of the company and to the dependent employee. The premium cost is usually split between the employer and employee.

In 2014, the national average cost an individual employee to cover is $ 6025 / year ($ 502 / month). The average cost to cover a family is $ 16,834 / year ($ 1,402 / month).

The cost of the group health insurance between the employer and employee generally divided. For individual coverage, employees pay an average of $ 1,080 / year (0 / month $) and the employer pays $ 4,945 / year ($ 412 / month). For family coverage, employees pay an average of year $ 4,824 / (402 $ / month) and the employer pays $ 12,010 / year ($ 1,001 / month).

2014 employee contribution employer contribution Total cost
Single coverage 4945 1080 $ / year $ / year $ 6025 / year
family coverage $ 4824 / year $ 12,010 / year $ 16,834 / year

The average cost of individual health insurance

individual health insurance is a type of health policy that a person purchases for himself and / or his family -. as car insurance

In 2014, the average individual health insurance premium by buy health insurance marketplaces, before tax credits, was $ 346 / month. Eighty-seven percent (87%) receive discounts on their health insurance (a "premium tax credit") and paid an average of 82 $ / month for all types of plans. For Silver plans, the most popular type of plan, received 94% tax credits and paid an average of 69 $ / month.

metal plane

%, the plan selected with tax credits

Average premium before tax credits

average tax assets

average premium after tax credits

Average% in reduction to tax credits



$ 289

$ 221

$ 68




$ 345

$ 276

$ 69




$ 428

$ 220

$ 208




$ 452

$ 232

$ 220


All levels


$ 346

$ 264

$ 82


For a closer look at the health insurance rates by state, invite this free guide: individual health insurance :. Facts and figures (2014-2015)

Because of the affordability of individual health insurance, health insurance, many companies fall group employees for their individual health insurance premiums.

Questions about the average cost of health insurance reimbursement? Leave a comment.

Employer Health Insurance Facts & Figures 2014

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