Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) Saved Americans $ 9 billion since 2011

5:49 PM
Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) Saved Americans $ 9 billion since 2011 -

According to the Health and Human Services, consumers have $ 000000000 stored on their health insurance premiums since 2011 due to the Medical loss ratio (MLR) rule. This year the MLR program is an average $ 80 return per family. MLR Rule Saved Americans $9 Billion

What is the MLR rule?

by the Affordable Care Act created, the Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) rule, which is also known as 80/20 rule, the insurer requires at least 80 percent of premium dollars on patient care and improving the quality of spending activities.

If insurers spend more than 20 percent on overhead, administrative costs and profits, they owe to a refund to consumers.

Discounts MLR can come by refund check in the mail, a lump-sum payment to the same account with which to pay the premium or a reduction of their future premiums. Or, if the consumer purchased insurance through their employers, their employers must provide or apply the refund in a different way, which receives its employees as generous benefits of the above options.

Americans $ 9 billion Saved Since 2011

after the HHS report:

  • in 2013 consumers $ 3.8 billion forward stored on their premiums as insurance companies more efficiently operate.

  • In addition, consumers save $ 330 million in refunds, with 6.8 million consumers due to receive an average refund in favor of $ 80 per family.

  • The MLR and other standards Affordable Care Act helped consumers about $ 4100000000 on premiums in 2013 for a total of $ 9 billion savings savings since the MLR program in 2011 started

  • Each year more and more insurers of premium dollars they earn to spend on patient care and the quality of the 80/20 standard meet.

hard hits has While the MLR rule provided cost savings for consumers available for Brokers

, the MLR rule has significantly hurt brokerage commissions.

A recent analysis found that in 2012 MLR reduced from $ 300 million insurance brokerage.

that's because brokerage part of the 20% allowed for profits and administrative costs. To comply with the rule, insurers have reduced brokerage commissions.

Have you saved money or lost money because of the MLR? Leave a comment.

Health Care Reform Checklist for Employers 2014

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