3 Tips More and more employers transition staff for employees on health insurance options

7:14 PM
3 Tips More and more employers transition staff for employees on health insurance options -

individual health insurance Educating. While there are many advantages of the individual health insurance are, studies show that employees are nervous about being in the driver's seat. As more employers give their employees the opportunity to take control of their health care, you have to understand employees to help their health insurance, opportunities to do? educating employees

Here are three tips for employees on health insurance options to educate.

1) Help employees understand health insurance 101

Where health insurance more transparent and is always the basic concepts of health to understand that most employees do not fully understand.

A recent study by Carnegie Mellon University found that the majority of consumers do not understand basic concepts of health insurance. Deductibles, copayments, coinsurance, and out-of-pocket maximums: Indeed were all four of these basic medical insurance define only 14% of respondents correctly concepts. Yet most respondents said they believed that they understood these conditions.

By staff to understand the basics of health insurance, they will choose more confidence in a health insurance plan that corresponds to their unique health and family needs.

Bonus tip: to get the information in a fun presentation and visual way and in different formats. The staff will better understand, apply and retain the information.

2) resource for exploring options Health Insurance

The second tip is to staff resources about health insurance options to offer, such as where to shop for a policy and how questions answers to get.

Many employers employees individual health insurance use a broker transition with employees one-on-one work. Agents can help employees undergo different medical scenarios under various plans of their potential health costs during the year to understand and be able to answer specific questions about conditions and reporting.

Employers can also provide information available on the public market health insurance in their state (eg: www.healthcare.gov).

Bonus tip: If your business with contribution Software reimburse employees individual health insurance, provides the seller probably an insurance Concierge staff with health insurance options to help.

3) On-going Commitment & Support

Finally, staff help fully their health insurance options and benefits to understand they have the ongoing commitment and support. Employees will need more than an annual meeting. You must have ongoing and regular engagement as they use their health benefits and how the health reform legislation impact them.

This on-going activities and communication will help the health benefits that understand made them and appreciate, and reinforce that the company cares about their health.

to see

More general tips for staff training: a New Health Benefits Program's success in maximizing

What are your tips to educate the employees about health insurance options.? Leave a comment below.

Ultimate Guide to Individual Health Insurance

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