3 reasons to switch to individual health and Defined Contribution

7:51 PM
3 reasons to switch to individual health and Defined Contribution -

Small and Medium Employers fast switching employees from the group health insurance (a defined benefit) to a healthcare allowance on individual health insurance (a defined contribution) to spend. There are three major reasons for the change to the individual health insurance and contribution. Fotolia_46753005_XS

# 1) Stores employee and the employer is change at the expense of health insurance

One of the main reasons small employers to individual health insurance and contribution that individual health insurance the cost up to 60% less than traditional health insurance group. S ee this state by state comparison of tariffs.

comes addition, most employees are to reduce for a premium tax credit into account what they pay for individual health insurance. A recent analysis found that those who are eligible for a premium tax credit pay, on average, only $ 82 / month for a health plan marketplace.

After the Kaiser Family Foundation's annual survey, the average cost to cover was a single employee in 2013 with the group health insurance $ 40 / month, with the employer paying $ 402 / month and the employee paying the decision clearly for small employers $ 88 / month.

makes a cost analysis. A 0 $ / month contribution to a defined contribution plan goes further than a contribution of $ 0 / month toward group coverage insurance. But cost is not the only reason to change small employers.

# 2) allows employees a full selection of the Health Insurance Plan

Second, individual health insurance and contribution allows greater selection and staff. Control over their health care

employees have the opportunity, any health insurance from any carrier to purchase and receive reimbursement for qualified premiums -. at the level of their contribution allowance

top employees want choice and the ability to personalize their health benefits. Tell A recent employee health benefits survey found that 7 8% of employees a greater variety of advantages want to choose from and 80% would appreciate benefits to individual circumstances and age ,

# 3) provides employees with a better, more flexible health insurance options


Third, individual health insurance and contribution employees with better, more flexible health insurance options available. The coverage is portable and all employees (regardless of their health) will be able to purchase an individual health insurance, as existing group health insurance options is equal to or better for them.

Because of these three reasons, it will leave that 60% of small employer group health insurance defined in favor of individual health insurance and the contribution of 2017 estimated is what you think?

See related:

  • Top 5 Reasons Employers conversion to defined contribution plans (DCPs)

  • Why are small and medium enterprises still provides group health insurance?
  • 5 reasons people love Defined Contribution

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