Projected Employer-Sponsored prices in 2015 rising

7:39 PM
Projected Employer-Sponsored prices in 2015 rising -

According to the preliminary results of the survey by Mercer National Survey of employer-sponsored health plan, employer-sponsored by an average of 3.9 percent in 2015. the results of health insurance rates rise is also shown that many employers will have to change in accordance with the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2014 to stay in this article and three percent for family coverage in 2014, the preliminary results provides an overview of the preliminary results.

A Kaiser Family Foundation survey recently found that the employer-sponsored benefits only two percent higher for individual coverage the Mercer National Survey of Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance found that prices percent-- 3.9 will increase, and that is when the employer to make significant changes to their current plans.

for background of the 2014 National Survey of Employer-Sponsored Benefits

There are preliminary results. The survey will be still carried out. The final results will be released the preliminary results by the end of 2014, based on 1,700 employers who responded by September 1 Mercer expects about 2,800 will participate in the final survey results.

National Survey of Employer-Sponsored Health Plans Getting Results

, the preliminary results from the show Mercer survey that the employer health benefit costs per employee are predicting will in 2015 to 3 , 9 percent average rise According to the survey of the projected increase reflects actual costs mitigating actions take the employer. If the employer to make any changes to their existing plans, projected costs would rise 5.9 percent on average Projected_Healthcare_cost_increase

chart :. Mercer

employer changes the ACA compliant to

Many employers make changes to ensure compliance with the ACA in 2015. Almost a quarter (22 percent) of employers who sponsor health services are likely more employees enrolled to see next year, if they are necessary, all her enroll employees who work more than 30 hours per week. This is a shared responsibility because of the employer.

A majority of employers (63 percent) were already fulfilled before the ACA was adopted, while 15 percent change in the past year for 2014. Among employers with many part-time workers, as large retail and catering establishments are 39 percent need coverage in 2015

instead of extending coverage enhance compliance, many employers (53 percent) report to make sure to avoid that they manage more planning carefully workers go more than 30 hours a week instead of the extension coverage. Others (31 percent) plan to make it hires it clear that they are working less than 30 hours per week.

Employer Mitigating strategies costs Seeking

Two-thirds of employers reported that they are in the next year to make changes to their health services to control costs, while 32 percent of employers their on renewal existing plans without modification plan.

low-cost, consumer-directed health plans (CDHPs) are a key strategy of cost reduction. Half of large employers surveyed offer today, and provide 73 percent of large employer within the next three years.

In addition, 20 percent report that it is the only choice for employees are available, while 6 percent of large employers have moved already to a full replacement CDHP.

Read. More about the preliminary results in Mercer

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