Top 3 Reasons Defined Contribution the future of health benefits

3:59 PM
Top 3 Reasons Defined Contribution the future of health benefits -

Kaiser Health News recently revealed the question " What if employers began working a chunk of cash to give health insurance on their own to buy, rather than offering them a chance to buy into the plan of the company? are workers are willing to manage their own health insurance as their 401 (k ) do? "

Defined Contribution is the Future

The answer is clearly, yes.

, the Affordable Care Act, the doors to quality health insurance opened by the individual exchange. The staff is available from access to premium tax credits benefit, but above all it is the small business owner looking to gain something from the defined contribution plan.

Although I will not detail the concept here, there is a wealth of resources on the definitions, types and structures of defined contribution health plans.


Reason 1. Guaranteed issue of individual health plan

Before the ACA, people with underlying medical conditions excluded from coverage under individual measures. This contributed to the moral obligation of employers to provide employees with group coverage that is not based on health status to discriminate.

However, a large part of the ACA was established, for the first time, the guaranteed -Issue of individual health plans. This means that the healthy and sick people, equal to buy the same policy.

Not only the guaranteed issue of individual plans accountable to those who most need health insurance, but it dismisses the moral obligation of the employer -Provided health insurance. Employees can now receive high-quality health insurance without going through their employer.

Small business owners can then use a defined contribution plan to a predetermined amount of the employee to reimburse expenses.

Justification 2. some knowledge in Business Owners

Krankenversicherungsgruppe is overpriced, and the cost increases only. A 2014 study by S & P Capital IQ suggests that American entrepreneurs by cutting down on their employees to the individual exchange $ 3250000000000-2025. These savings are worth one-fifth of the total value of the US economy.

3250000000000 is an amazing number. 3250000000000 is proof enough to make the change. save entrepreneurs money and can "pay for some or all of their staff costs for medical insurance premium yet.

Can you imagine a world where employers could budget years in advance how much they would spend health benefits to provide their employees and still know that they provided a good service? that happens now. employers have options to set up as taxable or tax-free reimbursements to their employees.

Reason 3. access to Premium Tax Credits

employees have much to gain from the individual insurance market. you can choose what kind of insurance they want, they can keep this insurance even if they leave their job, they can see large front-end rebates if they qualify for premium tax credits.

After McKinsey Center for US healthcare reform, 85 percent of the market enrollee qualified for premium subsidies. Not only that, but the mean subsidies reduced, the cost of insurance by 76 percent.

Can you imagine if you could save 76 percent on your other monthly bills?


individual health insurance makes the most sense for Americans. It makes the most sense for W-2 employees and individuals not in the labor market. It makes the most sense for the healthy and the sick. It makes the most sense for the employer.

contribution is a simple strategy with the employers their employees health insurance to cover the costs in a consistent and predictable manner. There is the obvious way forward in the wake of the Affordable Care Act. And by 2020 there will be health benefits strategy for small businesses probably the most common in the United States.

What are your thoughts on the future of health benefits? Let us in the comments below know.

Defined Contribution and Individual Health Insurance - The Next Benefits Trend

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