asking 3 questions before you purchase health insurance

11:31 AM
asking 3 questions before you purchase health insurance -

Open Enrollment 2015 is fast approaching. Many uninsured Americans are their own health insurance to buy for the first time. In addition, many consumers who are trying to be enrolled in the last year have to change plans. Some consumers will explore options to their plan, while others choose is based on blind sticker price.

Whether you're selecting a health insurance for the first time, or just shopping to see if you can get this year a better deal, here are three key questions to ask before a to purchase health insurance.

1. Can I keep my doctor Same?

Each insurance company has a network of providers, including hospitals, laboratories, medical practices, imaging centers and pharmacies. Each insurance company has contracts with these medical providers arrange services covered plan members at a certain cost to provide.

If you have a preferred physician, it is crucial to ensure that it is your doctor in the network of the plan before purchasing the policy. If your preferred doctor is not your plan in the network, the insurance company may not cover the medical bill or may require you to pay a higher share of the cost.

When shopping for health insurance check, the plan provider directory before buying plan to. If you want to help, an insurance agent or broker is a great resource to help you through the process, result in a health insurance to choose.

2. What the policy covers?

The Affordable Care Act (ACA), all individual health measures are required to cover ten major health benefits.

1. Emergency Services

2. hospitalization

3. Laboratory tests

4. maternity and newborn care

5. Mental health and substance abuse treatment

6. Outpatient care

7. Pediatric services (including dental and vision care)

8. Prescription drugs

9. Preventive services and management of chronic diseases

10. rehabilitation services

3. How much will cost the policy costs

If you are the cost of a health insurance evaluate, there are two main factors to consider:

1. your premium amount (the amount you pay to the insurance company for your plan, usually monthly)

2. the "out-of-pocket" costs ( the amount you pay when you medical care)

In the past, it was difficult to understand the levels of coverage of the plans. This is no longer the case. From 2014 individual health insurance plans in four standardized coverage levels are categorized, called These categories help you compare plans better Metallic_tier_plans

Source "metallic levels of coverage." "Apples to apples". Affordable Care Act 101

to save money, it is important to choose the right metallic animal for your health and financial needs. If you are unsure what plan to choose, it is always a good idea to an insurance broker you talk with your selections to help.

If you use anticipate a lot of medical services, it is ideal to choose a platinum or gold plan. Although premiums higher, you pay less out-of-pocket, when it comes, to obtain medical care. If you do not recognize a lot of health needs, with a silver or bronze plan choices is ideal to save money. Although it will be higher out-of-pocket costs if you need medical care, you will pay a much lower premium.

Out-of-pocket costs

Before his health insurance choices to safely check and see what will be the out-of-pocket costs. These are the part of your medical bills, you are responsible for paying when you receive health care. Here the four health insurance terms that you should understand before purchasing a policy are

deductible .: starts paid the amount for covered care before the insurance company to pay. For example, a family or individual will have to pay $ 500 out-of-pocket for covered services before the insurance pays; , For a covered service to the doctor a number dollar amount paid: this would a $ 500 deductible

co-payment. , For example, it may be a $ 30 Zuzahlungs see a doctor

Coinsurance: , the percentage of allowable charges for the covered services you are required to pay. For example, if an insurer 80 percent of the cost is in charge of a service, you would be responsible for the remaining 20 percent

Out-of-pocket maximum .: an out-of - pocket maximum is the maximum amount of money for covered services you pay during a performance period (for example, in the course of a year). The out-of-pocket maximum never includes your premium, provided balance charging fees or services your health insurance does not cover. Plan the out-of-pocket maximum of plan vary, but can co-payments, deductibles and co-insurance. Once you have the full amount toward your out-of-pocket maximum paid, your insurance is 100% of the allowable amount for your covered health care costs to pay. The new health law states that in 2014, the out-of-pocket limit for plans for individuals and small businesses sold can no longer be as $ 6,350 for an individual or $ 12,700 for a family (not your monthly premium inclusive). Some plans can lower out-of-pocket limits than that.

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