57% of the market Enrollees previously uninsured

11:55 AM
57% of the market Enrollees previously uninsured -

More than half of the people who insurance through new Affordable Care Act exchanges buy ( "marketplaces") were previously uninsured, according to a new report from the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF).

The report provides a snapshot of the market enrollee and provides an insight to the individual health insurance market changing.

After KFF, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) many non-group enrollee motivated to get coverage, with almost six out of ten (57%) market enrollee previously uninsured. Fourteen percent (14%) from an employer or COBRA were covered, 16% were covered by another non-group plan, and 9% were covered by a public program.


In addition, the report can found that seven out of ten (72%), the previously uninsured, she said got insurance because of the ACA. And the number one reason that had not insured no insurance before ACA was because it was "too expensive"


The report also showed the following market trends enrollee .:

  • enrollees in ACA-compliant plans reported slightly worse health than those provided for in the plans ACA.

  • The majority of enrollees give favorable ratings of their new insurance plans, saying that they are a good value, although four in ten find it difficult to afford their monthly premium.

  • Subplan Switcher how many report paying less than more for the payment of its new plans, but survey shows some signs of a trend toward narrower provider networks.

  • -Plan switchers are less likely to be with planned costs satisfied, perhaps because half of them report that their previous. Schedule painted

  • Half got help with enrollment; most say that the shopping process was simple, but one-third say that it was difficult to establish a market account.

  • In the non-group market, the feeling most likely, they have benefited the ACA are people get subsidies, the feeling most adversely affected those who canceled their plans would have.

Read the full report here KFF.

About the report

the Kaiser Family Foundation Survey of Non-Group Health Enrollees is the first in a series of surveys a closer look at the whole not groups market. This first survey was carried out from early April to early May 2014 after the end of the first ACA Open Enrollment period. It reports on the views and experiences of all non-group enrollees, including those obtained with coverage both inside and outside the exchanges, and those who were uninsured before the ACA, as well as those who have a previous source of coverage (non- had group or otherwise)

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