Group health insurance is Temporary

8:40 PM
Group health insurance is Temporary -

In one week we publish our book The End of employer-provided health insurance, the obvious solution to our nation's health insurance employer Leiden discussed - employer-paid individual health insurance. The book is for pre-order on and available.

This item is part of an ongoing series of articles about the 10 reasons, group health insurance is Bad for you, your family and your business. Group Health Insurance is Temporary

group health insurance is temporary

The number one reason group health insurance is evil, because it is only temporary , This is the biggest problem with group health insurance-it only covers if you or a loved one is healthy enough to remain at work for you. Unfortunately, most people are not aware of this until they get become ill, stopped to work and receive or may not come to work because they are in full-time to take care of a sick child or spouse requires.

Each year 1-2 million American families file personal bankruptcy. Until recently, the causes of these bankruptcies were unknown, and most people assumed credit card spending, divorce and loss of jobs among the key reasons. In February 05, Harvard University published the results of his study, "Disease and Injury as Contributors to Bankruptcy."

The study surveyed Americans in bankruptcy courts and found that about half "were medically bankrupt bankruptcy by medical bills" not -driven covered by health insurance. Equally surprising, the study found:

  • Three quarters of the medically bankrupt at the beginning of her illness had health insurance

  • , the majority of medically bankrupt owned their own homes and had attended college.

  • Many people filing medical bankruptcy were middle-class workers with health insurance, which were not capable of their payments, deductibles to pay, and exclusions in health insurance group.

only a few people are aware of group health plans that their health insurance ends when they lose their jobs, and the COBRA, if it is offered, it only covers for up to 18 months at an exorbitant. Costs

Here's what really happens when you lose your group health insurance:

Once you lose your job, you lose your group health insurance unless you choose to go on COBRA. COBRA, which stands for Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 is an abbreviation of the name of the legislation in 1985 that with 20 or more employees require former employees short-term ability to offer most employers to remain on the company's group health insurance to own expense of the employee.

COBRA you can your group, continued health insurance for up to 18 months as long as you 100 percent of the cost of your former employer paid plan plus 2 percent management fee (102 percent total).

If you can afford COBRA, and it is offered by your employer, it is only good for up to 18 months of coverage for you (the employee) and up to 36 months for members ,

if you can not afford COBRA, or if the disease for more treatment requires as the 18 to 36 months that COBRA is available, you will be forced to switch health plans. If you are in the middle of a health problem, it could be devastating, because:

  1. If you plan mid-year to change, your deductibles and out-of-pocket maximums will be reset. Depending on your new plan, this could expose up to $ 12,000 additional healthcare costs annually.

  1. Your new plan may not cover your current doctor and hospitals, forcing you to transfer new medical providers or out-of network for your current provider to pay that almost could be no health insurance the same cost.

  2. transfer to new medical providers who are not familiar with your medical history could, for your health or the health of a be loved dangerous.

The good news is that COBRA is for most people walk away because most ex-employees now individual coverage for a small fraction of the cost of COBRA can get. Generally, only the people can not an individual health insurance policy, which should find a critically needed medical providers stay on COBRA consider.

What is the solution?

you should change to individual health insurance because it portable employment is independent. With an individual plan, you keep your health insurance if you or your loved one is too sick to come to work.

I will by reason number two go (group health insurance is too expensive) morning. You can also why Group Health Insurance Download eBook is poor.

Click here to read all articles in the series.

10 Reasons to Switch
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