Pay Consumer thousands more year for non-subsidized plans

10:54 AM
Pay Consumer thousands more year for non-subsidized plans -

consumers who do not get premium tax credits, are to their individual Health insurance premiums are charged significantly more out-of-pocket for health insurance premiums. This is according to the most recent, out-of-pocket premium analysis and major medical inventory, published by

The analysis of the data from their May 2014 Health Insurance Price Index report and the Department of Health and Human Services of premium affordability, competition and choice in the health insurance market shortly. Here are the results of the analysis.

What consumers pay for premiums out-of-pocket

at all levels of the metallic layers, consumers who qualify for premium tax credits paid an average of $ 82 a month. The average premium from the premium tax credit costs are applied $ 346 per month.

consumers who do not have used premium tax credits to help pay for their premiums average $ 271 to pay per month. average_premium_cost-1


For more insights on premium costs include:

  • More than two-thirds (69 percent) of consumers , uses the premium tax credits paid less than $ 100 per month after the tax credits have been applied.

  • used paid almost half (46 percent) of the consumers, the loans premium tax less than $ 50 per month for health insurance premiums.

  • more than half (61 percent) of consumers who have not used premium tax credits than 0 paid per month for health insurance premiums $ more.

What levels of coverage consumers the choice of

Silver plans were the most popular among consumers who qualify for premium tax credits, while bronze plans of the most popular plan among consumers were who no premium tax credits used. average_premium_cost_by_metal

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applied for premium tax credits, consumers paid an average:

  • $ 68 a month for Bronze plans

  • $ 69 per month for silver plans

  • $ 208 per month for gold plans

  • $ 220 per month for platinum plans

consumers who have not used an average paid premium tax credits:

  • $ 259 a month for Bronze plans

  • $ 328 per month for silver plans

  • $ 353 per month for gold plans

  • $ 411 read the full analysis per month for Platinum plans


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