Small Business Human Resource Trends [Infographic]

11:55 AM
Small Business Human Resource Trends [Infographic] -

Small businesses are the backbone of America. In fact, according to a recent infographic released by, 50 percent of workers in America working in a small business. Here's a look at small business HR Trends for 2014, according

  • Small businesses create 63 percent of new jobs by mid-09 to 2012

  • From 04 to 2010 micro-enterprises (one to four employees ) created 5.5 million new jobs

  • companies with 500 or more employees lost 1.8 million jobs

  • In the next five years have 37 percent of small businesses five or more employees

  • Poor personnel decisions for 30 percent account of small business failures

infographic - work with me, People! Statistics on Small Business Human Resource Trends

Disclaimer :. The presence in these infographics are not necessarily those of Zane Benefits reflect, its employees or its Affiliate

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