HR Picks for over employee to individual health insurance

8:52 PM
HR Picks for over employee to individual health insurance -

IMG_0804 The Affordable Care Act (ACA) in full effect, many small and medium enterprises, some or all of their employees are on individual health insurance will direct. This is no surprise. With guaranteed issue plans, the coverage of pre-existing conditions and premium tax credits, many small businesses transition employer-paid health insurance.

In addition, have not been many employers able to their employees will offer health insurance in the past, discuss the individual health insurance marketplaces with their employees to ensure that they have access to coverage. This article contains tips for HR discussed at a transition to individual health insurance to employees.

leadership Ensure involved

It is crucial for HR to ensure that their business is involved the guide with the healthcare benefits plan and strategy. While many of the executives are likely to be involved with the decision-making process, it is important that help them comprehensive support and morale to keep during this transition. The more support HR has behind the new health care approach, the easier the transition and implementation of the plan will be.


If the employees to buy educate on the benefits of individual health insurance

to switch health insurance market, it is important to educate them about the benefits of individual health insurance. While individual health insurance plans are not new, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) creates new advantages as well make individual health insurance - if not better - than traditional health insurance group. The new benefits are :.

  • coverage for a pre-existing condition (employees can no longer denied coverage or charged due to illness)

  • cover essential health benefits (a core set of health benefits and services).

  • employees can keep their policies when changing jobs.

  • [1945006Mitarbeiter] can choose the policy that best suits pay for her family, including the network of providers and level of coverage.

  • individual health insurance costs less and employees for a premium tax credit into account they come with the cost of monthly health insurance premiums to support.

more information about the benefits of individual health insurance can be found on this guide.

they let employees know where and when individual to purchase health insurance

When a small business picking up a group health insurance, all that will be covered for a special enrollment period for individual health into consideration. That is, they are entitled to acquire personal insurance outside the annual open enrollment period. to buy health insurance, is now easier than ever. HR should inform employees that the individual health insurance policies can be purchased from:

  • The health insurance marketplace

  • A licensed insurance agent or broker

  • direct from an insurance company

Tip: to obtain health insurance access discounts (premium tax credits), employees need to buy a plan on the Market insurance offered.

Obviously Signup dates and deadlines

If a group health insurance cancel, HR should the staff informed that they are eligible for a special enrollment period into consideration. The special enrollment period usually lasts 60 days after the qualifying event.

If an employee does not qualify for a special enrollment period, HR staff should be informed that the annual Open Enrollment period begins for reporting in 2015 15 November 2014 and 15 extending to February 2015

Welcome questions and additional assistance

HR should expert be available for questions and further support of health services available, call. The skilled person may have planned answers for the most frequently asked questions about the transition to the individual health insurance. Keep additional resources willing to distribute employee, is also a good idea to anticipate the needs of its employees.

you have any questions about your employees individual health insurance transition?

The Future of Small Business Health Insurance Whitepaper

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