Individual health insurance declare [Video]

5:25 PM
Individual health insurance declare [Video] -

Now more than ever, people buy individual health insurance. In fact, it is expected that 31 million Americans individual health insurance policyholders by 2020 and with the recent opening of the health insurance marketplaces will be, it is important that the individual health insurance to understand, does not have to be complicated for you or your Employee. Explaining individual health insurance

You will feel better informed if you take a few minutes to understand how it works. Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) has put together a video that help individual health insurance in basic terms and illustrations to understand

Explaining Health Insurance Video - The key points :.

  • Understand your health policy is important for your health and your wallet
  • health insurance premiums must be paid every month - .. even if you are healthy
    [1945013ArbeitgeberVersicherung] is a combination of your employer to pay your premium, and the remainder is paid by you.
  • If you are insured by Medicaid, you will pay no premium.
  • premium tax credits are reduced by the new health insurance marketplaces, and the premium costs for many Americans
  • If you need medical care, will dictate different types of insurance, which is covered.
  • It is important to know what is covered under your insurance including your co-pay and deductible.
  • know your provider network and to stay in it.
  • it is important to offer the various plans, to understand and what works best for your individual needs.

Tip: as an employer, if you do not currently offer insurance for your employees, you can offer individual health insurance reimbursement as an alternative.


See, individual health insurance is not as complicated is it?

If you can keep these key points in the video about how you learned and your employees start with the 2015 marketplace to shop around, you will be an informed buyer. You will save money, time and potential headaches in the future if it with your health insurance.

What do you think about the video and the points that have been covered? Did it help? Leave a comment or question below.

Why Individual Health Insurance Works

Video credit: KFF

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