Infographic - The Small Business Health Economy

1:33 PM
Infographic - The Small Business Health Economy -

Small businesses in the US are an essential part of our economy, creating 75 % of total employment and more than 60 million people employed. Yet, 22.3 million people who work for small businesses or are self-employed are not insured, so that half of all uninsured Americans. While the current state of small business is bleak in healthcare, there is a lining is silver -. Individual insurance reimbursement health


This new Zane Benefits Infographic the current state of small business in the healthcare outlines the problem with group policies, in favor of individual health policy, and why the individual health insurance reimbursement work for small businesses and Employee.

  • Did you know that the average cost for family coverage on a group policy is $ 16,000 per year and has increased 182% in the last 15 years? Tweet this stat!

  • Did you know that individual health policies are 20-60% less expensive than health insurance group? Tweet this stat

  • Did you know that the employee for $ 2,000 to $ 12,000 could get a year of a trillion dollar federal grant in question - but only if your small business doesn 't offer group health insurance? Tweet this stat!

  • Did you know that small business employees for individual health insurance contribution refund to refund (as individual health insurance reimbursement)? Tweet this stat

Infographic - The Small Business Health Economy

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Small Business Guide to Individual Health Insurance Reimbursement
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