Want the best employee benefits? Customize it with premium reimbursement

4:36 PM
Want the best employee benefits? Customize it with premium reimbursement -

As a small business owner, you appreciate your employees. That's because they know individually. Your business can only 15 employees, but your employees are diverse; a handful of employees over the age of 50, some of which are just starting families and others that young adults are fresh out of school. You want them to find the best employee benefits, but their needs are all different. Creating the best employee benefits

When each employee has to provide different healthcare needs, offers a -size-fits-all health benefits not your recruiting and retention goals to reach. So, what options do you have?

Instead of a traditional one-size-fits-all group health insurance plan offers a premium can accept reimbursement plan and provide the best employee benefits, fully adapted to the unique needs of employees.

How to customize health benefits with premium refund

with a premium refund approach, choose exactly how much you want to contribute to your health care workers. Employees buy their own individual health insurance - with their own money - through the Health Insurance Marketplace in your state or through a broker or online site. The employee will be reimbursed reimbursement money on their premiums, up to the amount of their premium.

With premium reimbursement, employees choose the health plan that best meets their health and financial needs, essentially a fully customized creating benefit with the dollars that you provide to them.

In addition, the contribution you offer by groups of workers can be varied. This is allowed as long as the differences are based on bona fide job criteria such as location, location, the number of hours worked per week, etc.

For example, consider a start-up technology company who fought in California to hire and keep senior programmer in a very tight labor market. Instead offer the same health plan for all employees, the company created separate classes for older programmers and junior programmer, senior programmer give $ 350 more per month in their premium refund money. This sharp increase will help the company reduce attrition among their senior programmer and recruit needed staff. It also creates a visible incentive for junior programmers to stay and grow with the company.

The best employee benefits and the biggest bang for your buck

offers a tailored approach puts your limited resources the strategic use and ultimately creates the greatest return on investment for your benefit dollars

summarize, you can create the best employee benefits and most get for your money by .:

  • employees to choose the individual health insurance of their choice Allow and buy

  • a premium refund plan acceptance staff for their premium or a portion of their premium

  • Adjust premium to offer reimbursement plan for reimbursement of various services to different employees, based on your recruitment and retention objectives

What questions do you have about to provide the best benefits to employees through premium refunds and adaptation? Leave a comment below!

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