How can we pay for health insurance if our wages do not rise?

2:09 PM
How can we pay for health insurance if our wages do not rise? -

Many people notice minimum wages are going in different States - but it actually does? A study by Pew Research Center shows the actual wages will not increase. Why? Inflation. Which actually raises the question, how will people pay for health insurance, if wages increase not? This article briefs the trends in the last 50 years in wages and how the individual health insurance, even with stagnating wages.

afford a quick look at the trend How Can We Pay for Health Insurance if Our Wages Aren't Increasing?

Although the national unemployment rate has to 5.6 percent declined (December 2014), real wage growth has not exactly been on the rise - in fact, it is stagnating in the last 50 years.

In fact, the graph below shows rose 1964-2014, current dollars of $ 2.50 to $ 20.67 - an increase of $ 18.17. But in those 50 years, real wages went from $ 19.18 to 20.67 $ -. An increase of $ 1.49

Why are not wages increase

[? to understand why wages do not increase , it is important to understand the difference between the current dollars and constant dollars. The graph above clearly shows, was that "current dollars" to grow steadily over the last 50 years. Current US dollar is a term that we use on our hourly wage, without taking into account inflation.

But "constant 2014 US dollars" told to speak a whole new story. Constant dollars are known as real wages and take account of inflation. The graph shows these wages remained stable, and have decreased even in times.

So if current hourly wage will increase each year, as it may be possible that the real value of our salaries have not changed? It's easy. If inflation causes everything we buy more expensive at a rate of 3 percent per year to get, for example, then even if you increase each year by 3 percent when it comes you do not actually more money in the bank. Think it: if you get more money every year, but everything you get to buy a little more expensive (eg how much you pay coffee or movie tickets vs. how much your parents paid), you end up spending that additional money to cover the additional costs for the normal stuff you buy. This is the result you caused will make the same wage, although the current dollar increase (hourly wage).

What this means for the consumer Needing insurance?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics , the cost of employer provided benefits has about 60 percent higher in 01 (in current US dollars), while wages This means that the cost advantages have only 37 percent.

increases the provision at a rate increases, which makes the rising cost of everything else behind. In fact, since 1999 the average cost of health insurance premiums has (for family coverage) increased by 148 percent.

According to the Pew Research Center ", a theory is that benefits rising costs - mainly offered by the employer health insurance - the employer may increase ability or willingness forced wages"

So in your job, would you rather have employer. increase use of services or real ?

Getting your wages and benefits Too

[1945010zumGlück], there is a solution for people who want benefits that are not prohibitively .: individual health insurance , the cost of health insurance group has increased over the last ten years, and because of the ACA new options are now available to consumers. It starts with the entrepreneur.

entrepreneurs have the opportunity to its employees to reimburse the individual health insurance premiums instead of health insurance quote group. This option makes health benefits controllable and predictable for the employer costs, while additional revenue for raises free. Current indicators suggest that the performance model may be the new standard in the United States.


It is a scary thought that to look at real wages stagnate, while the benefits the costs continue to rise, but there are ways to stop this trend. The answer is simple: individual health insurance. Because individual health insurance is on average 20% to 60% less than the insurance group, this is a perfect opportunity for entrepreneurs healthcare at an affordable price to offer, for other uses of capital.

Small businesses are 98 percent of companies in the United States of America and account for the majority of US sales. If small businesses are able to control their health care costs and the money set to increase in salaries for its employees, the Americans can be seen a significant increase in constant wage for the first in 50 years.

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