Pop Quiz: Is your business ready for the ACA employer mandate in 2015

9:41 PM
Pop Quiz: Is your business ready for the ACA employer mandate in 2015 -

With 2015 just around the corner , mandate impacts their health services are assessing the employers and their brokers, as employers the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and their bottom line. Under that provision, some US employers are charged a fee for offering no health insurance. Is your company ready for the employer mandate? Here is a short quiz to find out EmployerMandatePopQuiz

Question 1 :. Who Has the employer mandate apply

A. All US employers

B. Only US employers with more than 250 full-time positions

C. Only US employers with more than 100 FTE employees

D. Only US employers with more than 50 FTE employees


D. The employer mandate applies only to US employers with more than 50 full-time equivalent (FTE) employees. And there are some transition relief for employers with 50-99 FTE employees (more on the transition relief Read here)

Question 2:.? When is the employer mandate Start

A. January 1, 2014 (it is already in force)

as January 1, 2015

C. 1 January 2016

D. Never - the employer mandate was lifted


B. the employer mandate as we begin 1 January 2015. However, in question 1 said transition relief is for 2015 for employers with 50-99 FTE employees available While there are some political buzz about lifting the employer mandate was, at the time of writing it still in 2015

go into force

question 3: What? "Trigger", the fairy

The fee employer mandate is triggered (also known as the Responsibility Fee Common Employer) for the respective employer if

A. The employer has no minimum, affordable health insurance

as The employer is not offer minimal, affordable health, and employees buy individual insurance and receives a premium tax credit or subsidy

C. The employer is not offer minimal health insurance


B. the fee is triggered when the employer does not provide more than 50 FTE employees minimum, affordable coverage and employee buy individual insurance and receives a premium tax credit or subsidy

. Question 4: What is the fee for non-provision of health insurance in 2015

, the calculation of the monthly fee in 2015 is:

A. (Number of Full Time Employees - 80) x $ 167

B. (number of full-time employees - 30) x $ 167

C. (number of full-time employees - 80) x $ 250

D. (number of full-time employees - 30) x $ 250


A. for 2015, the employer is mandated fee to the number of full-time employees of the employer for the month employed (minus 80), multiplied by 1/12 of $ 2,000 ($ 167), provided that at least one full-time employee receives a premium tax credit / subsidy for this month.

there is also a penalty if the employer has at least health insurance, but it is not affordable. Read more:

How many did you get calculation employer shared responsibility fees in 2015 right? What other issues should be on the quiz? Let us know if under the comments

Related Articles:

  • employer mandate - What You have to know! to know in 2015

  • Quick guide for the calculation of the employer shared responsibility charges in 2015

  • Now Ask your employer health insurance available?

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