3 Alternative approaches to health

3:23 PM
3 Alternative approaches to health -

This is the time of year when small businesses are looking at health benefits for the year 2015. you evaluate traditional health insurance and alternative approaches to health.

During this renovation and open enrollment season, small companies are in a unique position. Small employers with fewer than 50 employees are not on behalf of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) traditional health insurance to offer. And because of the ACA, there are new options for small businesses to provide health benefits - even small businesses to provide health insurance prices have been out of the traditional group. These two factors create new alternative approaches to health insurance for small businesses. alternatives

Here are the top three alternative approaches to health insurance for are to assess small business, for 2015

3 Alternative approaches to health

# 1) small group health insurance plan (T he non-alternative)

the first on our list is the not -Alternative - a small group health insurance. A small group health insurance the traditional way for small businesses to offer health insurance, but there are new options for 2015

One of the new options is the SHOP marketplaces. The SHOP marketplaces are new state-run health insurance exchange or for small businesses-federally. Since 2014, as the SHOP opened marketplaces that plan offerings have expanded somewhat, and they are now accessible online.

However, as traditional small group health insurance plans, there are certain conditions that make it prohibitive for some small businesses.

# 2) Premium refund Arrangement

The second option is a premium reimbursement arrangement, and it is a popular alternative approach health insurance because they have many of the barriers with traditional health center (z. B .: costs, minimum holding, minimum contribution, etc.).

With a premium reimbursement program that provides small business insurance allowances health. employees buy their own individual health insurance and use their insurance money will be refunded the amount of their available credit. As a bonus, eligible employees can about the individual health insurance tax credits discounts on their premium access ( "Premium tax credits").

is an attractive feature on premium refund if the small businesses want to contribute lots of for the employee premium expenses, they can use a premium refund arrangement. And can the health insurance allowances job (for example, $ for entry-level 300 / month for managers and $ 175 / month) are assigned criteria.

For many small businesses, the cost-effective solution for a premium refund his arrangement, because the small businesses can contribute a lot and individual health insurance costs on average less than small group plans

here is a look at how premium refund works for a small company .:
How premium reimbursement works

# 3) offer nothing

the final alternative approach to health insurance is nothing to offer to the employees. In other words, however, do not offer formal health benefits.

Some small companies take this approach because they can not afford a small group health insurance, and they do not know that the premium is reimbursement. Others do not want to "contribute to the staff cost health insurance.

are other alternative approaches to health

Within these three options variants. However, most options fall within the above three core options.

example: is an option small businesses discuss "employees to send to the individual health insurance exchanges" This could mean a few different options If the small businesses will staff costs.. wear, then they might option # 2), a premium set reimbursement arrangement. If they do not carry, it would be option # 3), do not offer anything.

Similarly , a private health exchange would be either a variant of option # 1), small group plan / s or option # 2) premium refund with individual health insurance. And co-op is a variant of option # 1) to plan a small group.

What are your top alternative approaches to health insurance for the year 2015? What we know from this list? Leave a comment below.

Download The Guide to Premium Reimbursement

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