Group health insurance premium increase of 5.6% in 2014

12:20 PM
Group health insurance premium increase of 5.6% in 2014 -

group health insurance premiums to + 5.6% from 2013 to 2014. but despite the modest rise, small businesses in 2015 for larger increases will strain health insurance This is to the United Benefit Advisors (UBA) funded 2014 Health plan survey, a large national independent benefits benchmarking survey of employers.

The survey promotes nationwide 16,467 health plans on responses from 9,950 employers based. Among the most important findings that the premiums of group health insurance continue to rise, health savings accounts (HSAs) and health reimbursement (HRAs) are becoming increasingly popular plans in the northeast cost still more, Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plans retain their popularity and much more.

increase in group health insurance premiums

Although modest, in 2014, premiums increased by + 5.6% for all types of plans. This number is the last year + 5.55% upwards. However, the survey, a 322% increase in the number of plans, early renewal strategy on December 1 using 2013 Early renewal revealed delays the effects of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) by 1 December 2014 and 94 % early extension is used, were small businesses.

According to the survey, the early renewal strategies kept prices in check for 2014, but rate increases on the horizon for small businesses currently offering employer-sponsored group health insurance.

HSAs and HRAs Rising

In 2014, offered 33.6% of all plans with mated a HSA or HRA. The average employer contribution to an HRA was $ 1,750 each for an employee and $ 3,461 for a family. In addition, there was a significant increase in those enrolled in HSA plans to 38.6%. This increase was probably due to the increase in consumer Driven Health Plan (CDHP) enrollment.

plans in the Northeast still more costs

The overall increase in health care costs that the average American employee saw was in-network deductibles due to higher in-network coinsurance and significantly higher out-of-pocket maximums. As plans to continue to increase, the Northeast has a higher cost of insurance health.

The survey found this is usually because they contain little or no deductibles, more state-mandated benefits, and have a higher in-network coinsurance. As a result, need to East employer having regard to the forthcoming his "Cadillac tax."

According to the survey, while the average in-network deductibles at $ 101 for 2014 are out-of-pocket maximums fairly level by more than 6% over the previous year. The median single out-of-pocket maximum of $ 3,500 (an increase of $ 500), and average families out-of-pocket maximum of $ 8,000 (an increase of $ 1,000).

More interesting trends from the survey

  • type of health insurance - PPO are still the most popular type increase of health insurance plan to 47.8% in 2014

  • self-financing - Overall 11.1% of all plans are self-funded , In contrast, 80% of large employers (more than 1,000 employees) plans are self financed.

  • Spouse / Partner Coverage - 62.3% of all employers provide any domestic partner benefits (a trend which unchanged for the last three has remained years), 28.4% offer both coverage for same-sex and domestic partners of the opposite sex, offer only 5.5% same-sex coverage and 3.7% only opposite sex domestic partner benefits provides.

Click here to read the full UBA Health Plan Survey.

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Employer Health Insurance Facts & Figures 2014

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