The high deductible nightmare - A change in the healthcare trend

3:10 PM
The high deductible nightmare - A change in the healthcare trend -

Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Americans have a mandate to have health insurance. As a result, the uninsured rate is the lowest it has been for decades - 12.9% according to a survey by Gallup in January 2015. So this means that Americans are better covered and protected from large insurance claims, is not it? Current statistics say no - that health plans with high deductibles and out-of-pocket costs will represent a significant financial burden. Let us look at three trends, and what this says about how healthcare changes A Change in Healthcare Trends

Trend 1 -. Rising health insurance premiums

let us first find of health insurance premiums - what we pay for coverage.

After Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) research , funded the average annual premiums for employers in 2014 Health Insurance (insurance paid by an employer ) were $ 6,025 for individual coverage and $ 16,834 for family coverage.


increased as premiums in the past decade, workers were asked to do more. After KFF, 04-2014 premiums by 69%, but the laborers contribution increased 81%.

But the health insurance premiums alone have the whole story does not tell, the two leads us to the trend.

Trend 2 - Increasing cost sharing mitigate (the "hidden costs")

to cover the costs of rising healthcare and rising premiums, employers have shifted more costs to workers. Similarly, choose Plan, a low-cost, without the deductible and out-of-pocket costs those who often buy fully understand, they will pay if they receive care their own health insurance.

We call these costs "hidden costs." Health insurance companies and / or employers to sketch these plan details at registration time - not because they are actually "hidden". But rather, they are "hidden" because do not understand the majority of Americans , the basics of health insurance works. Most Americans can not properly define as deductible, co-pay, coinsurance, and out-of-pocket maximums basic terms.

The rising costs, combined with a general lack of understanding about health insurance, are a problem.

For example, without looking at your health insurance policy, you do know how much your deductible is? Many people do not.

After KFF, is the national average $ 1,214 - to $ 826 of five years ago. Of course vary annual deductible amounts considerably and it is now on the agenda a $ 1,000 to have $ 5,000 or even $ 10,000 a year deductible.

can sum this out-of-pocket costs quickly.

In fact, found the 2014 Milliman Medical Index (MMI) of total annual cost of health care a typical family of four by an employer to cover -sponsored plan was $ 23,215; with the family of four $ 9,695 (42%) to be paid on average. This amount includes premiums and the employee's out-of-pocket family medical expenses. The median household income in the US $ 53,000 / year, medical expenses represent 18% of income.

This out-of-pocket costs may come as a surprise.

If you do not understand how you structured your plan, and you have no price transparency, these high costs can quickly a financial hardship leading tribe, debts become. and bankruptcy

Trend 3 - to increase stagnant wages

Finally, on the premiums, increasing out-of-pocket costs, and a lack of health consumption stagnating wages, before especially for the lower and middle class.

pay According to a report of Commonwealth Foundation , the costs for employees and their families out-of-pocket for deductibles and their share premiums continue to rise a larger share of income in the country, consuming.


What a challenge many Americans face today brings us. You have health insurance - a good plan, you think. But the high deductible and other high out-of-pocket spending can still mean a financial hardship - a nightmare, if you will - when the medical bills arrive in the mail.

So what is the solution? Is there any?

health help consumerism. As more employers by employer-sponsored health insurance and move away as more Americans buy coverage on their own, we will be in better control of our health. Price transparency will also help, but we are a long time coming from this system in our health have.

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