How to get help paying for health insurance

2:34 PM
How to get help paying for health insurance -

health insurance can be expensive, but if you do not have health insurance, you have to pay a penalty. So, how can you or your employees get to pay aid for health insurance? There are now four ways to help pay for health insurance to obtain Fortunately. help-road-sign-pixabay

4 ways to help health insurance payment for

This article takes a look at these four options for help with your health insurance get.

  1. federal subsidies for health insurance
  2. cost-sharing subsidies
  3. Medicaid
  4. employer reimbursement programs

# 1: federal subsidies for health insurance

as part of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), low- and middle-income Americans health insurance they can buy in the markets discover entitled to a federal grant .

The federal subsides lower the cost of health insurance for those who are entitled (also known as "premium tax credits").

Am I eligible for a federal grant?

If you meet certain income requirements, and have no access to affordable health insurance through an employer or another government program, then you are most likely to qualify federal subsidies for your health insurance premium to get.

individuals and families who earn 400% of the federal poverty level (FPL) are contemplated. This causes a person to $ 46,680 in 2014 to earn and a family of four earning up to $ 95,400 in 2014

Read more here about the federal grants for health insurance premiums.

# 2: Cost-sharing subsidies

also under the Affordable Care Act, cost sharing subsidies are rebates for low-income families with out -of-pocket medical expenses to help.

The cost-sharing subsidies are designed to individuals and families pay for their deductibles, coinsurance and co-payments to help. The cost-sharing subsidies are in addition to the premium tax credits available.

Am I eligible for a cost-sharing subsidy?

You are entitled to a cost-sharing payout if you:

  • have an income between 100 and 250 percent of the FPL. This corresponds to an individual $ 29,175 in 2014, or to earn $ 49,475 a family of four in 2014 deserve

  • a "silver" plan health Bought from your national health insurance market.

  • have no access to affordable health insurance through work or a government program.

Those who are members of a federally recognized tribe are, are also eligible for cost. Exchange of subsidies

Read more here about the cost-sharing subsidies

# 3 :. Medicaid


Medicaid health insurance for people with the nation's low-income families. Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Medicaid eligibility in many countries has expanded. If your state participates in Medicaid expansion, almost all resident adults under age 65 with family incomes up to 138% of the federal poverty level (FPL) qualify now for Medicaid.

Am I eligible for Medicaid?

individuals and families who can earn 138% of FPL into consideration. This is the equivalent of $ 16,105 for an individual in 2014 or $ 32,913 for a family of four in 2014, however, remember that each state has its own requirements, so check with your state health insurance marketplace or Medicaid office to find out if you. eligible

# 4: Ask your employer to refund

The last option is to ask your employer to help. Employers can refund program set up with the cost of health insurance premiums to help.

Am I eligible for an employer reimbursement program?

If your employer offers a reimbursement program, and you are for entitlement to benefits, then this is another way to pay aid for health insurance. If your employer does not provide reimbursement for your health insurance, ask if she wants to!

For more information, see this overview of the insurance reimbursement health.

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