A state by state view of market Tax Credit Eligibility

7:02 PM
A state by state view of market Tax Credit Eligibility -

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) provides financial assistance through Premium tax credits for low and middle income people who buy coverage through new insurance marketplaces. New data show how many people for premium tax credits in every state come into consideration. Marketplace_Assistance_State_by_State

Who take for Market Tax Credits in claim?

for premium tax credits to be eligible (aka health insurance subsidies), must those concerned:

  • Be US citizens or legal residents,

  • have

    have incomes between 100 and 400% of the federal poverty line,

  • not have access to job-based health insurance or public coverage (eg Medicaid or Medicare) and

  • purchase coverage through the marketplace

Read more :. As for premium tax credits

permission to market tax credits to qualifying State

the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) estimated the number of people in each state have potential for market tax credits and those who could potentially enroll in coverage.

Here's a look at their state of condition analysis:

Location market Type (2014) people potentially eligible for premium tax credits through market those potentially in could enroll market coverage percent of people potentially eligible for premium tax credits through market
United States 17187000 28605000 60.1%
Alabama Federally-facilitated 270000 464000 58.2%
Alaska Federally-facilitated 55000 78,000 70.5%
Arizona Federally-facilitated 313000 551000 56.8%
Arkansas partnership 150000 227000 66.1%
California State-based 103000 3291000 57.8%
Colorado State-based 254000 501000 50.7%
Connecticut State-based 10000 2100 50.5%
Delaware partnership 29,000 48,000 60.4%
district of Columbia State-based 000 300 25.0%
Florida Federally-facilitated 1587000 2545000 62.4%
Georgia Federally-facilitated 654000 1,063,000 61.5%
Hawaii State-based 29,000 58,000 50.0%
Idaho govern- based
130000 2000 64.4%
Illinois partnership 501000 937000 53.5%
Indiana Federally-facilitated 354000 525000 67.4%
Iowa partnership 127000 20 48.5%
Kansas Federally -erleichtert 161000 298000 54.0%
Kentucky State-based 100 3000 63.6%
Louisiana Federally-facilitated 344000 48000 70.3%
Maine Federally-facilitated 77,000 00 63.1%
Maryland State-based 201000 41000 48.0%
Massachusetts State-based 118000 25000 45.6%
Michigan partnership 4300 725000 60.1%
Minnesota State-based 0000 298000 30.2%
Mississippi Federally-facilitated 204000 298000 68.5%
Missouri Federally-facilitated 3800 657000 58.8%
Montana Federally-facilitated 97,000 1500 63, 8%
Nebraska Federally-facilitated 00 23000 51.0%
Nevada State-based 155000 24000 62.2%
New Hampshire partnership 81,000 137000 59.1%
New jersey Federally-facilitated 400000 628000 63.7%
New Mexico State-based
118000 193000 61.1%
New York State-based 77000 1,264,000 61.6%
North Carolina Federally-facilitated 684000 1,073,000 63.7%
North Dakota Federally-facilitated 43,000 77,000 55.8%
Ohio Eidgenössisch- facilitates 544000 8100 67.0%
Oklahoma Federally-facilitated 2500 4400 57.4%
Oregon State-based 187000 337000 55.5%
Pennsylvania Federally-facilitated 715000 12700 56.0%
Rhode Iceland State-based 40,000 70000 57.1%
South Carolina Federally-facilitated 3300 491000 68.4%
South Dakota Federally-facilitated 70000 118000 59, 3%
Tennessee Federally-facilitated 387000 645000 60.0%
Texas Federally-facilitated 204000 3143000 65.2%
Utah Federally-facilitated 2000 331000 62.2%
Vermont State-based 27,000 45000 60.0%
Virginia Federally-facilitated 518000 823000 62.9%
Washington State-based 2700 507000 53.6%
West Virginia partnership 71,000 117000 60.7%
Wisconsin Federally-facilitated 301000 4800 62.4%
Wyoming Federally-facilitated 47,000 80000


data and image source: KFF

87% receiving tax credits, average Subsidised market Health plan $ 82 / month costs

According to a separate report of the Health and Human Services (HHS), of which, the reporting of the run by the federal government marketplace, 87% receive tax credits and pay an average of 82 $ / month purchased for all types of plans. Read more about this report here.

eBook: HR Professional's Guide to Health Reform's Tax Subsidies

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