Care Act affordable - advantages and disadvantages for small business

5:12 PM
Care Act affordable - advantages and disadvantages for small business -

I hear from small businesses every day, who are confused about the Affordable Care Act. To decrypt to help you, as the health care reform law impact your small business, I have described six Affordable Care Act benefits and drawbacks. Affordable Care Act Pros and Cons

Affordable Care Act "pros" for small and medium enterprises

Pro - Under the Affordable Care Act, small businesses will not have to offer health insurance

If you are an employer with fewer than 50 full-time positions (see this worksheet FTE in the calculation), there is no need for a health insurance offer -. the "employer mandate" does not apply to you

This is a great professional. for small businesses, which are often the most that alternatives to group health insurance are a better solution

Pro - individual health insurance has a big make-over

is another great "pro" that under the Affordable Care Act individual health insurance got a big make-over . All small business owners should understand these four benefits of individual health insurance if health insurance Rating:

  • portability: The employees can keep their policy if they change jobs [1945003

  • choice: employees choose the policy that best meets their needs, including the network of providers and level of cover

  • savings: Individual health insurance costs less and employees , for a premium tax credit to help them with the cost of their monthly health insurance premiums [1945003förderfähig]

  • coverage: Individual health insurance covers all the essential health benefits and is accessible to everyone, regardless of pre-existing medical conditions

Why is that an advantage for small businesses? Simply put - individual health insurance is now better and more affordable than traditional group health insurance. As such, small business employees to the individual health insurance companies and contributing to their premium expenses instead of offering group health insurance

Pro transition are -. Small businesses can employees Refund for individual health insurance

As already mentioned, small businesses can reimburse employees for individual health insurance. This makes it possible to contribute the business of health care workers, like your business would contribute to a group health insurance.

While this "pro" is not a particular change made by the Affordable Care Act, it is a popular way for smaller employers advantage of individual health insurance to take that offer health benefits, and groups offer -Krankenversicherung, out of business.

This type reimbursement arrangement does not meet the "employer mandate", but remember -. the employer mandate for small businesses does not apply

Tip - if your company has more than 50 employees, you must decide if you "play, pay, or otherwise play "with the employer mandate . See: Play, Pay, or otherwise play the advantages and disadvantages

Affordable Care Act "Cons" for small and medium enterprises

Con - The Affordable Care Act helps to higher group expenses insurance

As if group health insurance was not expensive enough already, new ACA taxes are increase in the cost of the small group health insurance plans . These new taxes and fees included patients Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) fees, insurance fees, Transitional Reinsurance fees and risk adjustment fees. This means additional annual renewal increases to other rate hikes most small businesses have already seen

Con -. The SHOP marketplace does not work for small businesses

Although the small company SHOP marketplace seem attractive on the surface, there is still a group health insurance and it is not the core issues small businesses with group health insurance including costs faced requirements participation speak and instability have several delays in implementation.

In addition, as the SHOP marketplace has rolled out there, technical glitches and inflexible rules. As such most small businesses are the SHOP Skip

Con -. There are new Compliance manage & reporting requirements

If you have any kind of health benefits (group insurance or individual health insurance reimbursement), there are new compliance and reporting requirements meet , Certainly, these new rules have a purpose, but for a small business it means every year more time to ensure compliance with

Tip -. Working with an experienced broker or use to easily make a refund software vendors to ensure compliance.


The Affordable Care Act can be confusing. I hope that these pros and cons will help you how the ACA impact decipher your business, and to better understand what health benefits options you have.

What Affordable Care Act pros and cons would you add list?

Affordable Care Act 101 for Small Businesses eBook

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