Poll: Public Opinion on the stock exchange in 2015

5:49 PM
Poll: Public Opinion on the stock exchange in 2015 -

come with open enrollment 2015, there has been a lot of speculation about whether this year's open enrollment season enrollment rates are seen as high as last year. According to the latest figures from the Department of Health and Human Services, enrolled 7.3 million people in health insurance through the Exchange 2014 The Congressional Budget Office estimates that a 13 million Americans in health insurance plans on the Exchange in 2015. According to enroll recent report by the Morning Consult, an increase of 5.7 million may be difficult to achieve because, "the decline in interest rates in the exchange could be a challenge." the report analyzes the numbers of The Morning September Tracking Poll Consult, the registered voters asked about their thoughts on the insurance exchange health.

voters worry about the stock market

morning found September Tracking Poll Consult that 47 percent of voters "not likely" are buying this year individual health insurance through the exchange. In the weeks prior to open enrollment last year reported only 28 percent said they "not at all likely" on the Exchange to buy buying_through_the_exchange

chart :. The Morning Consult

, in fact, reported only six percent of voters that they "almost certainly" have to purchase their health insurance through the exchange, while 13 percent were "almost certain" last year at this time.

plans for current exchange Enrollees

Under the auto enrollment judgment enrollee marketplace which show not otherwise be rewritten on December 15 in its current market plan, 2014 This delay in the re-registration is the consumers to explore additional time during the open enrollment 2015 their health insurance options.

The morning Consult surveyed voters who have already purchased insurance through the exchanges. found The query that 43 percent of voters hold plan their same plan, while 29 percent of new plan Store is around shopping_for_new_plan

chart :. The Morning Consult

According to The Morning Consult ", the 43 percent of respondents who say they keep their same plan on the exchanges some challenges could, especially in the cost of their monthly premium."

2014 premium tax credits were based on rates from the second lowest cost silver plan on the exchange. Since second lowest cost plan in the past year will probably not be the same this year, enrollees' premiums could rise, while their tax credit amount remains the same.

Voter interest in Exchange

The Morning Consult surveyed voters whether they had a state or federal health insurance online exchange as healthcare.gov ever visited. Not surprisingly, an overwhelming majority (75 percent) of voters who already have health insurance have not yet looked at the stock exchanges. More than half (53 percent) of voters who have no health insurance, never have the Exchange sites visited compare plans visited_the_exchange_website

chart :. The Morning Consult

Read. The entire report on the morning Consult

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