to launch a start-up Top

10:05 AM
to launch a start-up Top - 20 cities

Which cities in the US are the best for a start-up start? According to a new report from NerdWallet Oklahoma City, Miami and Omaha top of the list.

People Together-9

Top 20 cities to launch a start-up

The report , May 2014 performed ranked major cities of costs to live, access to finance, the labor market, the local economy and business friendliness. Based on these scores, here the top 20 cities USA are to start a business:

  1. Oklahoma City, OK
  2. Miami, FL

  3. Omaha, NE

  4. Raleigh, NC

  5. Nashville, TN

  6. Atlanta, GA

  7. Austin, TX

  8. Seattle, WA

  9. Denver, CO

  10. Memphis, TN

  11. Minneapolis, MN

  12. Tulsa, OK

  13. Kansas City, MO

  14. Fort Worth, TX

  15. Dallas, TX

  16. Houston, TX

  17. Wichita, KS

  18. Charlotte, NC

  19. Columbus, OH

  20. Washington, DC

About the review Best Cities to Start a Business

, the NerdWallet study was conducted in May and included 50 of the largest cities in the United States, allowing them to factors such as access loans under $ 250,000 achieved, population growth between 07-2012, easy adjustment, per capita income and the unemployment rate and the number of companies per 100 inhabitants.

Here you can access the report data and read more about the scoring.

you surprised by any of the results? Where does your city are

See related:

  • Top US Cities for employee satisfaction
  • 5 ACA Figures All startups Need


Photo credit: Hubspot

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