Confidence is high despite Gap in health insurance Literacy

8:02 PM
Confidence is high despite Gap in health insurance Literacy -

A recent report published by the American Institute for Research (AIR ) is a large gap in the American basic knowledge of the insurance afforded. Americans are overall moderate to very confident in their ability to choose a health plan and to use that fits their family best; However, if they have been tested for their health insurance expertise, the results do not live on the trust on them issued. Here is an overview of the current output short AIR, a little knowledge is a risky thing. Large gap of what people think they know about health insurance and what they really know

Background on the report

The problem just based on the results of the American Institute for Research Health Insurance Literacy Survey. The survey sampled 828 people aged 22 to 64, who were not insured, privately insured or insured by Medicaid.

The survey was used, the American Institute for Research Health Insurance Literacy Measure (Hilm) to validate that there is 21 of questions assessing Confidence and associated behaviors in connection with the selection and the health insurance. The Hilm was validated with 18 objective multiple-choice questions developed proper understanding of health to assess the terms and concepts.

Confidence in the selection and use of a Health Insurance Plan

More than half of people surveyed "moderately or very confident" to choose in their ability sickness insurance and to use, which is a good fit for your family. While the respondents were confident in their knowledge, who received an average of 60 percent of knowledge and skill items properly when their literacy assessed health.

The key findings on health insurance Literacy

  • a majority of those who were able to identify respondents common insurance terms, such a premium (81 percent) and a complaint (80 percent)

  • [1945006Insgesamt] consumers do not have a firm understanding of the various types of plans; only about half could identify general features of an HMO, and could identify only 23 percent of properties of a PPO

  • Three interviewed four people reported to be "moderately or very confident" that they the to use knowledge health insurance; However, only 20 percent were able to accurately identify the amount that they would pay for a visit to an in-network doctor when presented with the cost-sharing scenario containing a Zuzahlungs, deductible and coinsurance out-of-pocket_costs-1

    Source : American Literacy Survey Institute for Research Health Insurance

  • compare with the health insurance plans, 42 percent were "not at all" or "somewhat likely" to consider what is a plan and do not cover is before obtaining health services

health literacy varies among demographics

  • Younger people got (aged 22 to 34) with an average of 55 percent of knowledge and skills items properly Knowledge_with_age

  • Older people (aged 55 to 64) articles were an average of 63 percent of the knowledge and skills to properly

  • people who had not visited a doctor in the past year, on average, got 49 percent of the knowledge and skills, items properly

  • those scored a doctor several times a year an average of 64 percent visited the knowledge and abilities, items

  • those on average received an annual income of less than $ 25,000, 45 percent of knowledge and skills items properly

  • people who earned an annual income of more than $ 75,000 was on average 67 percent of the knowledge and skills items properly

Read the full issue brief of the American Research Institute here.

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