Account-Based Health Plans on the rise, but Gap in employee education yet

8:39 PM
Account-Based Health Plans on the rise, but Gap in employee education yet -

If you do not fully understand your health plan, health savings account (HSA) or Flexible Spending account (FSA) you are not alone. shows data of more than 1,500 employers and consumers, taking into consideration based health plans continue to make traction in the market, dre is still a consumer education gap and a need for improved consumer healthcare decision support.

Account-Based Health Plans on the rise

a recent study by Alegeus Technology by:

  • 47% of respondents employers offer high deductible Health plans (HDHPs)

  • provide 60% of employers FSAs

  • provide 42% of employers HSAs

  • 23% of employers offer arrangements health reimbursement (HRAs)

Gap in employee training Still Exists

Despite the increase in account-based health plans, a gap in the employees understanding of how the programs work performance. For example, failed 70% of the HSA account holders an HSA Fitness Quiz. According to the study:

  • 23% of consumers say they plan cover understand the difference between full joint health types (HDHP, PPO, HMO)

  • 30% of the HSA account holders passed a basic HSA Fitness Quiz

  • 50% of FSA account holders passed a basic FSA Fitness Quiz


According to the study, the value proposition of an HSA may not fully understood:

  • 42% view HSAs primarily as account health expenditure

  • 26% you HSA funds beyond the immediate plan year use can not know

  • 41% do not know that can HSA funds are invested

What employers to bridge the gap Can Do

employees to help their health benefits to be understood better, the study suggests that employers should:

  • , the throughout the year to communicate about health benefits, not only during the capture of members

  • Set made easily understandable and sympathetic communication, in a variety of channels available

  • offer plan comparison and interactive recommendation tool

source: Alegeus Technologies

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