Small businesses, the Small for ACA Compliance and Mitigation Costs

2:08 PM
Small businesses, the Small for ACA Compliance and Mitigation Costs -

companies face unique challenges and concerns if they provide health services to their employees. After the 2014 Small Business Survey Healthcare of the National Small Business Association conducted cost reduction and compliance with the Affordable Care Act are major concerns. Here are the results of the study.

The National Small Business Association (NABE) led to the background of the 2014 Small Business Health Care Survey

its 2014 Small Business Healthcare survey online among more than 780 small businesses with less than 500 employees. They represent selected samples of each sector in each state in the nation. A majority of employers surveyed (88 percent) had less than 50 full-time employees.

Small Business Health Care Demography

A majority of respondents (67 percent) reported that health insurance offered as an employee benefit was "very" important to their staff recruitment and retention strategy. Another 20 percent said that they "somewhat" was important their recruitment and retention strategy.

In addition, a majority (72 percent) of small business owners reported that they are responsible for health services is for handing out deals primarily, 24 percent treat notified benefits while a member of their staff. Only four percent of respondents reported their health benefits outsourcing

The smallest companies reported the lowest rates offer health benefits to their employees .:

  • More than half (51 percent ) reported by companies with one to five employees, provides healthcare to their employees

  • Three quarters of companies with six to nine employees offer health benefits to their employees

  • Only six percent of employers with more than 50 employees offer not offer healthcare, most no health services

Among the small enterprise in the supply of health care for their have planned staff the next 12 months not_offering_healthcare

. Source: National Small Business Association

Small Business health insurance costs

the small business owner reported cost as the number one factor for respondents not offer health benefits. After the survey, the average monthly per-employee cost of health insurance premiums for a small business is $ 1121st Moreover, reported an astounding 91 percent of small businesses to increase their per-employee health insurance premiums renewal_rate_increases

. Source: National Small Business Association

A quarter of small businesses reported that their health insurance cost increases more than 20 percent in its most recent rate renewal. More than half (53 percent) of small businesses reported to renew early their health plan. Of the small businesses that chose to do an early extension, reported 70 percent said they did so in order to avoid increased costs because of the Affordable Care Act.

More cost-reducing methods include increasing employee contributions, reduce benefits for employees offered fall cover and buy employee money for individual health insurance.

  • give Twenty nine percent of small businesses reported to increase employee contributions to health care in the last 12 months, while 42 percent plan to increase employee contributions within the next 12 months.

  • More than a quarter (29 percent) of small businesses plan their benefits to reduce rates within the next 12 months, while 19 percent have already done so.

  • Three percent of small businesses have their group health insurance declined to give money directly to their employees to buy individual health insurance, while 28 percent plan to do so within the next 12 months.

small and medium enterprises and the Affordable Care Act

most small employers had a very limited or no understanding of how the Affordable Care Act will affect their business. Only 42 percent reported a "clear understanding" with, while 46 percent a "limited understanding" reported and 12 percent reported "no understanding" how the health law is their small business impact.

Small companies reported spending an average of 13 hours and $ 1,274.16 per month in order to ensure their continued compliance with the law. One-third of small businesses reported that they deliberately stop their growth as a result of the Affordable Care Act, while 48 percent do not restructure their workforce to the applicable laws.

. Read the full survey of the National Small Business Association

How does your small business plan healthcare costs on cutting while remaining with the ACA in accordance?

Affordable Care Act 101 for Small Businesses eBook

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