5 tips to increase productivity

9:03 PM
5 tips to increase productivity -

five5 The increase in employee productivity is a top priority for many small businesses and starting entrepreneurs. If they come up with techniques to increase the productivity of employees, it is crucial to ensure that you practice the strategies you want to implement. Here are five tips to improve productivity for you and your employees.

1. Prune Back Meeting Time

While meetings are often unavoidable, there are ways that you and your employees use meeting time wisely to ensure. Give your employees a clear written agenda, how far in advance of the meeting as possible. When all participants are ready and know what the meeting is focused on, this can help to speed up the process. If the participants already go to a meeting to know what is being discussed, they can go to the head and think about what questions they will be answered.

In addition, some companies are companies implement "No meeting Monday." This involves taking place not necessarily on a Monday. These companies designate a day on which they can plan a full day of uninterrupted work.

2. Encourage Take a Break

Although it may seem counterintuitive staff, a break to your staff again focus on the task at hand to help. A break is much needed time employees their eyes rest, move, and more blood and oxygen to her brain flows get. In addition, it can make your employees gain a new perspective on a complicated work helping problem. Even a short, five minute walk empower employees to remove their heads and concentrate on their work.

3. There is an app for that

Not surprisingly, there is a wealth of smart phone applications designed to improve the productivity of the company. There are applications that support you and your employees with everything, including project management, organizing office communication, information and wake up on time for work.

4. Quit Obsessively Check is your email

Checking, reading, and responding to every e-mail immediately after it hits your inbox a big waste of time. If you wait for something extremely important, do not try to keep your email inbox open continuously throughout the day, and encourage you to do the same your employees. Try to keep your e-mail periodically-- to check every hour or 0 minutes.

If this is not possible for your business, try emails to prioritize and give yourself back a set block your schedule emails that are not answered immediately need. Fight to respond to the impulse to every e-mail at the moment it arrives.

5. Prioritize your workload

Start writing your day even a to-do list, and encourage your employees to do the same. Through things off your list checked, as you have done, you can work feeling more accomplished at the end of the day to leave.

In addition, you complete your most difficult or unpleasant task first thing in the morning, rather than delaying it. Through your most difficult task at the beginning of the day to defeat, set a positive, productive tone for the rest of the day. Tackle Big Projects of them break into the small

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