3 things about Open Enrollment 2015

10:04 PM
3 things about Open Enrollment 2015 -

With open enrollment for individual health insurance now officially less than a month away know many consumers think about or to rethink their health insurance options. Here are a few things you need to know before open enrollment gets here to ensure you the best deal possible on your health insurance.

1. Having the penalty for non-health insurance, was in 2015 rising to

The main purpose of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), to ensure that as many people as possible taken under the health insurance. The more uninsured Americans, the greater the risk pool insurance consumers.

Under the ACA, most Americans are required have health insurance, or pay a tax penalty if they do not. This rule is called the "Individual Mandate" or "Individual shared responsibility fee" and began in 2014. Coverage can job-based health insurance, private health insurance or belong through a government program like Medicaid or Medicare.

having the penalty for not "minimum coverage", said is "custom shared responsibility fee." This fee is either a flat fee or a percentage of household income, whichever is greater. The penalty is increased in the first three years. As you can see from the chart below, the fee will increase from 95 for an individual for an individual to a flat fee $ 325 flat fee $. The flat fee for a family will increase by $ 285 to a whopping $ 975th If the percentage of family income is greater than the fixed rate, the rate will increase from one percent to two percent this year. Individual_Shared_Responsibility

During this rise, not everyone can get to enroll in health insurance, the increased penalty is expected that more consumers to encourage, during the acceptance of new members in 2015

Click here for additional information about the punishment and exceptions.

2 participate. If you are enrolled in the last year, you are not with your coverage piece

For the most part, Marktplatz consumers indicates that they are not otherwise taken up again in its current market plan on December 15, 2014, these delay in reprofiling will allow consumers to explore additional time during the open enrollment 2015 their health insurance options.

If you have already purchased a market policy, weigh all the options before you let your policy enroll car. This is critical to ensure that you get the best deal for health insurance.

There are many other insurance companies in the marketplace this year, increased competition is among the airlines help to keep low in 2015. Last low-cost plans this year may not be the same as this year be. It is important to ensure that your current plan is the best deal for you yet.

In addition, now is a good time to assess your health needs new. If your health has changed since last year, you may want to enroll in a more comprehensive health insurance out-of-pocket to minimize costs.

3. Factor your healthcare needs in your political decision

To the best deal to get during open enrollment, it is important that proper metallic animal for your health and financial needs to choose. If you are unsure what plan to choose, it is always a good idea to an insurance broker you talk with your selections to help.

If you use anticipate a lot of medical services, it is ideal to choose a platinum or gold plan. Although premiums higher, you pay less out-of-pocket when it comes time to get a medical care.

If you do not expect a lot of medical needs that selecting a Silver or Bronze plan is more ideal to save money. Although it will be higher out-of-pocket costs if you need medical care, you will pay a much lower premium.

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