6 characters It's time your first employee

7:38 PM
6 characters It's time your first employee - Hire

is setting employee number one a great milestone for every small business owner or entrepreneur. You have your business up and running now. Now you have to help in order to grow, operate and / or maintain the business upright.

How do you know if it is to begin on the setting time? Here are six signs it's time to set your first employee.

This article is an excerpt from a Management Guide to Small Business settings (click on the PDF to download).


It's time you will rent if ...

  1. need staff on the first day of the operation

  2. turning work because you

    overbooked are
  3. Can not find the time to do paperwork or send invoices

  4. Lack of time you want new business ideas or customer

  5. Need someone with special abilities

  6. [topursue
  7. your business to grow eventually sell

It's time to hire ... Now What

First, evaluate your attitude and personnel requirements by to ask these three questions:

  • What role the employee will fill?

  • How much help needed?

  • how much can I afford

Read more: 3 questions such as rent Prepare to wonder

Then get organized and know what you have to do to comply with federal and state labor laws. Some of these steps are:

  • Getting an Employer Identification Number (EIN)

  • Setting a payroll system up

  • registration with your state new employees reporting program

  • first casualty insurance the employee

  • posting labor Notes

  • evaluation for small business health insurance options

Read more: 8 things you need to do when your first employee setting

Small Business Hiring Guide eBook

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