10 Affordable Care Act (ACA) Small Business Resources

7:50 PM
10 Affordable Care Act (ACA) Small Business Resources -

If you're looking to understand the help that Affordable Care Act (ACA), available online feel the wealth of information can be overwhelming. To help, the assistance is always easier, we have put together ten ACA resources to give you the answers that you need. ACA Resources for Small Businesses

# 1) your health insurance

If you have questions about your registration status or coverage, contact health insurance directly. Find your customer service telephone number of the health insurer on your insurance card, on the website of the insurer or by the HealthCare.gov Hotline (1-800-318-2596).

# 2) Healthcare.gov Hotline

The Federal HealthCare.gov website provides a 24/7 consumer hotline (1-800-318-2596).

# 3) Healthcare.gov Local directory assistance

In addition to the consumer hotline offers Healthcare.gov a database ( localhelp.healthcare.gov) the state and local Registration Help trained organizations and understand health insurance options help to create. The directory contains navigators use assistive ters, certified application counselor, state and local authorities and agents and brokers.

# 4) Consumer Assistance Program

The Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Supervisory offers a directory ( www.cms.gov/CCIIO/Resources/Consumer-Assistance-Grants) answer of utilities and other available government agencies questions ACA and health insurance.

# 5) IRS hotline

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) provides telephone support to individuals and employers to tax provisions of the ACA, including the individual mandate, premium tax credits and employer shared responsibility penalties. You can look up numbers www.irs.gov/uac/Telephone-Assistance.

# 6) Department of Labor Benefits Advisors

The US Department of Labor provides assistance with issues related to employer-based health insurance. You can benefit consultant at 1-866-444-3272 or visit call .: www.dol.gov/ebsa/contactEBSA/consumerassistance.html

# 7) Healthcare.gov Glossary

Healthcare.gov plaintext definitions of health care and health insurance provides conditions. To the glossary, show visit: www.healthcare.gov/glossary/index.html.

# 8) US Small Business Administration website

The Small Business Administration (SBA) website offers a library of articles that explain ACA provisions for small businesses. Visit: www.sba.gov/healthcare.

# 9) Kaiser Family Foundation website

Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) has lots of resources and resources about the ACA. Visit:. Www.kff.org

# 10) Zane Benefits Blog

Here in the Zane Benefits Blog (www.zanebenefits.com/blog) we write daily on the Affordable Care Act, health insurance benefits employee and small business trends. Subscribe to our blog here

For more ACA resources can be found in the report of the Congressional Research Service

to see for the best blogs in the ACA: .. 15 Top blogs about consequences Health Reform

Which ACA resources have found helpful to you? Leave a comment below.

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