Small Business Health Insurance Options for 2015

11:19 AM
Small Business Health Insurance Options for 2015 -

options The cost of health insurance group are prohibitive for small businesses , start-ups and small nonprofit organizations. As healthcare provides an important part of employee recruitment and retention is, in health care, benefits altogether is not a viable option for most small businesses.

Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), small employers (fewer than 50 full-time employees) are not subject to the employer shared responsibility (employer mandate). Since they are not to offer a group health insurance required, these small businesses, start-ups and non-profit options are more health benefits than previously thought possible. Here's a look at health insurance options for small employers in 2015

1. Individual Health Insurance

An important trend this year falls in the small employer group health insurance coverage to their employees for the individual health insurance pay to help. By controlling employee on the individual health insurance market, the small employers to ensure that their employees to choose the coverage that is best for their families. Moreover it can not offer by a group health insurance, make employers that their employees access to premium tax credits have to assist them with the cost of their premiums

taxable Stipend .: Some small employers who want their employees "to help premium costs contribute to provide a taxable salary, with the intent that employees will use the additional funds to purchase healthcare. While this may seem like an advantageous arrangement for both parties, are it with this solution several problems.

  • There is no guarantee that employees actually spend the money on a scholarship for health insurance.

  • Many employers will lose its desired, top-tier candidates for employers with formal health benefits in place. During a scholarship for candidates may be slightly in response, would prefer to offer the most formal, tax-advantaged health benefits program

Tax-free Healthcare Allowance .: Instead a scholarship, a better health insurance option for small businesses is the individual health insurance and a premium refund plan. With this approach, giving employers an employee a tax-free health money on individual health insurance spending. Employees to purchase their health money create an individual health plan of their choice and guardians can access the premium tax credits.

2. SHOP marketplace

In the context of health insurance marketplaces of the ACA, there is an option for small businesses, start-ups, and non-profit called the Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP MarketPlace ). This is a new way for small businesses with fewer than 50 employees (or less than 100 in some states) to acquire a traditional group health insurance.

The ACA provides tax credits for qualified small employers help pay for helping SHOP reporting; However, conditions for small employer health insurance tax credits can be very strict and specific. The credit is only available to employers with fewer than 25 full-time equivalent (FTE) employees who pay their employees an average wage of less than $ 50,000 per employee annually.

The ACA develops SHOP marketplaces to offer small businesses with more options for their health plan. The rollout of the SHOP marketplace, however, has its share of obstacles, changes are faced, and delays. As such, the SHOP marketplace still is not working for small businesses.

3. Private Health Exchange

One of the biggest trends in employee health benefits this year is the private health insurance exchange. The concept takes off with large and small companies. Moreover, employers are turning to understand Find out how they can benefit from a private insurance exchange.

A private health insurance exchange is a health insurance exchange by a private company to run. More specifically, is a health insurance exchange, a health insurance quote of the agent to individuals and / or employees. Private health insurance exchange usually contain the following components:

  • A selection of two or more health insurance options

  • advice and recommendation on what health insurance options best fit your needs

  • selected

    Automated billing for premium health insurance (e)

  • selected

    on-going support for health insurance plan (s)

4. Co-Op

for health insurance a co-candidate is a more traditional approach for small businesses, start-ups and non-profits organizations. The idea is that co-op will increase the purchasing power and spreads the risk of a larger group. Each co-op is structured differently, and whether the co-op provides better insurance rates than the small group on the open market or SHOP depends on regional buying insurance laws and the Co-op could get even.

. 5 Private Small Group Plan

Despite the obstacle of high premium costs, a small private group planning to purchase is also an option for small groups. Small groups can provide options and support, see to choose from on the private market, as compared to the store where some states only one or two plans to choose from.

Employer-Funded Individual Health Insurance Worksheets

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