How to recruit - Preparing for hire Before you make the leap to

12:43 PM
How to recruit - Preparing for hire Before you make the leap to -

The following text is an excerpt from our free resource The 20 Greatest Recruiting and retention Tips . If you want to download the full resource, click here.

is key As a small business owner, you hire for your company's success. This applies to family businesses, start-ups, non-profits, and small businesses ... and Fortune 500 companies. But knowing how to recruit hard. Small businesses need with limited time and resources to be clever, to recruit new talent and make counting each new hire. So here is a simple but effective recruiting tip -. Preparing to rent before you prepare to jump to take-the-plunge-flickr

You Hire Before you make the leap to

It sounds simple enough - to get your ducks in a row before you jump in attitude. But can be exciting hiring a new employee, and all too often small businesses begin listing positions and interview before they really know who or what you are looking for.

to the right people for the first time to hire a step, take it back and ask yourself these three questions.

What role they will fill?

How to publish the work and interview candidates, a clear job description, help you the best candidate for the position of the rent.

Many small businesses no job descriptions, but current and clearly written job descriptions will help you to recruit the right candidates and to rent. The job description paints the picture for potential employees about the role they will fill, and about the business they are working for. a concise job description at hand not only helps you write a strong job announcement, but it gets the right candidates through the door

. See also: Why small businesses job descriptions need

How much help do you need?

Think about how much time you need from an employee. Do you need full-time or part-time? A contractor or consultant? A trainee? By determining the amount of help that you need and the scope of work that needs to be complete, you are not over or under-rent.

How much can you afford?

If you're like many small businesses, you worry about the cost of hiring and the return on investment.

as with any investment, consider:

  • monthly cash flow (? You can make billing regularly)

  • month profit (have been enough income generate a new hire support?)

  • Expected additional income (how much additional revenue will generate a new hire?)

  • Estimated wage costs

  • monthly (how much you rent the new pay?) Estimated taxes and benefits (will provide health benefits?)

  • additional overheads (for example: additional rent, technology, energy costs)


organized by time and to answer these simple questions, you will better prepared to recruit, interview and hire. They not only know , the you need to hire, but also for what position. This means that you get the right candidates through the door and the right employee for the job to rent. End? You will be ready to take the plunge and find an employee who. With your company

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