2 minutes Guide to Micro business insurance options

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2 minutes Guide to Micro business insurance options -

your micro-enterprise, the challenge of the offer confronted health benefits to employees for recruitment and retention purposes. And since 2014 health reform, you may be left with questions about which options you have health insurance. As such, we have to know to put together a two-minute guide to help what will work for you and your employees. man-479670_640

Three Micro Business Health Options

How to evaluate health insurance options for your micro-enterprises, there three core options:

  1. a traditional micro with business insurance (ie a small group plan)

  1. your employees a health allowance with them for insurance coverage to reimburse the health of the individual (ie a premium refund health plan).

  1. With Nothing

insurance options to understand

There are two main categories categories ~~ POS = HEADCOMP health insurance for your micro-companies to choose from -. individual health insurance and group health insurance

1) Individual Health Insurance

individual health insurance plans have purchased health insurance plans for individuals, are to cover themselves and / or their families - like car insurance. Anyone can apply for individual health insurance. Micro entrepreneurs who do not offer group coverage due to minimum contribution (costs) or minimum conditions, the purchase usually individual and family plans for themselves and their families.

Starting in 2014, insurance companies can not drop more individuals for individual health insurance is based on a pre-existing medical condition. Also from 2014, there are new tax subsidies available for companies and employees if the employees individual health insurance to purchase. In some cases, self-employed, who can buy their own health insurance to be able to deduct the cost of their monthly premiums.

If you decide on the individual health insurance route, should you offer your employees to use a health allowance to single premiums. This type is called a premium refund or Healthcare reimbursement plan (or "ZaneHealth").

2) Group Health Insurance

a form of employer-sponsored health insurance plans group. The costs are usually shared between the employer and the employee, and the cover may be extended to family members. In some states, the self can qualify without other employees for group health insurance plans. With group health insurance, the employer chooses the plan (or plans) for employees to offer.

Have more than two minutes? Read more: Individual Health Insurance vs. Group Health Insurance

Micro companies and health care reform

are four major health care reform components Below. You should check if the health insurance to choose.

1. Individual health insurance tax subsidies

From 2014 people who have access to tax subsidies have to buy private health insurance by the public health insurance exchange. In 2015, the cap is the subsidies, the cost of individual health insurance at 2% - 9.6% of their household income - if their household income is less than 400% above the federal poverty line

. Click here for more information on health insurance tax subsidies.

2. Individual health insurance tax penalties

From 2014 are "individual mandate" (part of shared responsibility called payments) requires most people to buy health insurance, or else a penalty to pay their taxes return every year.

Click here for further information about the individual mandate tax penalties.

3. Micro Business Health Insurance Tax Credits

Micro company offers a tax credit benefits to qualify the health of employees. From 2014, the tax credit to 50% of micro health insurance costs. In addition, the tax credit for plans is purchased by small businesses SHOP exchange.

Click here for more information about small business tax credits.

The Future of Micro Business Health Insurance - Premium refund plans

premium reimbursement plans allow you to offer health benefits without a traditional group health insurance offers. Instead of paying costs for a specific group health plan, you assign the monthly allowance for your employees on private health spending. Micro enterprises find an attractive solution, since these advantages:

  • satisfied employees - employees choose a health insurance plan that fits their needs best , Individual health plans cost 20-60% less than traditional group plans and tax subsidies for eligible employees

  • controllable costs . - You fix your personnel costs through the allowance amounts they fix can afford. There is no minimum or maximum contribution conditions and amounts of money based on job criteria may vary.

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Individual Health Insurance for Employees - Download the eBook

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