Quick Guide to Small Business Health Insurance in 2015

7:01 PM
Quick Guide to Small Business Health Insurance in 2015 -

quick_guide As the cost of group health insurance increases, small businesses, Start-ups and small nonprofit organizations an increasingly hard time offer health insurance to their valued employees.

Because healthcare provides an important part of employee recruitment and retention, health care services fall in total simply not an option for most small employer.

as part of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), small businesses with fewer than 50 full-time staff shared responsibility (employer mandate) are subject to the employer. Since they are not to offer a group health insurance required, these small businesses, start-ups and non-profit options are more health benefits than previously thought possible. Here's a look at health insurance options for small employers in 2015

There are three main options for small businesses

Although there are many different types of health insurance plans are out there, small businesses have three main basic options:

1. with a traditional insurance group

2. with a health allowance staff staff individual health insurance premiums (a "premium refund plan")

3 to report. Offer non health services

group health insurance

group health insurance plans most people are familiar. With group health insurance, is the risk that the Company covers - the number of employees covered. This means that a group health insurance if an employee has a baby, surgery or diagnosed with a chronic illness, the employer and the other employees are likely to see a large premium rate increase at annual renewal time.

Some small businesses are considering buying their insurance through the Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP Marketplace). Part of the complaint is that the ACA provides tax credits for qualified small employers assistance to help pay for coverage SHOP; However, conditions for small employer health insurance tax credits can be very strict and specific.

The credit is only available to employers with fewer than 25 full-time equivalent (FTE) employees, their employees an average pay wage of less than $ 50,000 per employee per year.

the ACA the SHOP sector is developing small businesses with more options for their health plan to provide. The rollout of the SHOP marketplace, however, has its share of obstacles, changes are faced, and delays. As such nor the SHOP marketplace is not for small businesses work .

reimbursement of employees individual health insurance

An important trend this year is for the small employer group health insurance covered their employees for individual health insurance to help policy pay. By switching their employees to the individual health insurance market, the small employers to ensure that their employees to choose the coverage that is best for their families. Moreover it can not offer by a group health insurance, make sure the employers that their employees, in order to support access to premium tax credits with the cost of their premiums.

Some small employers, the premium cost "to help pay their employees, would are offering a taxable scholarship, with the intent that employees the additional funds will be used to purchase healthcare. While this may seem like an advantageous arrangement for both parties, there are several issues with this solution .

Instead of a scholarship offer better health insurance options for small businesses individual health insurance and premium refund plan . with this approach, employers employees a tax-free give health allowance spend on individual health insurance.

Not Offering health benefits

research shows that small employers are less likely to offer health insurance for their employees. However, as they sit down to do the purpose in an extreme disadvantage for recruitment and retention. Health benefits are a valuable part of the compensation of employees.

Download The Guide to Premium Reimbursement
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