9 of 10 Uninsured Unconsciously next open enrollment

10:18 AM
9 of 10 Uninsured Unconsciously next open enrollment -

Open enrollment for health insurance in 2015 just around the corner. However, the Americans are that open enrollment begins on November 15, 2014? Following the recent Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) tracking survey, there are some large gaps in awareness of uninsured Americans who were the forthcoming admission of members Outreach targeting. The KFF survey results showed that 89 percent of uninsured Americans are not aware that open enrollment begins next month. Here are other key findings from Kaiser latest poll.

The context of the tracking survey

The latest Kaiser Family Foundation tracking survey was conducted via telephone interviews from October 8, 2014 to October 14, 2014 among a sample of 1503 adults aged 18 and older. The interviews were in English and Spanish. The margin of error is + or - three percentage points for the full sample and 9 percentage points for the uninsured sample

Uninsured Americans largely unknown next open enrollment

largelyunaware chart :. Kaiser Family Foundation

The 89 percent of uninsured Americans who are not aware that open enrollment for individual health insurance begins included, who stated that they do not know when open enrollment begins in November with 76 percent and 13 percent who called a start date other than November 2014. In addition, showed the survey results show that:

  • Two-thirds of the uninsured (66 percent) "nothing" about health insurance "a little only "or knowing reported marketplaces.

  • More than half (53 percent) of uninsured unaware of financial support are low and middle-income individuals to help purchase health insurance (subsidies premium tax credits and cost-sharing).

Most Uninsured Americans plan to obtain Soon Coverage

uninsuredcoverage Chart: Kaiser Family Foundation

Over half (59 percent) of not saying assured that they plan to receive coverage in the coming months. Of the uninsured Americans who plan reporting on the receipt, expect 15 percent coverage by an employer to obtain, while another 15 percent are planning to buy it themselves, either directly by the insurance company or a marketplace. One fifth planed to receive (21 percent) of respondents coverage, but were not sure where they would get it.

The cost is not a barrier for uninsured Americans

remainuninsured Overview Kaiser Family Foundation

four Nearly ten (38 percent) in the uninsured Americans on the remaining uninsured plan. Of the uninsured Americans who plan to stay uninsured.

  • Eighteen percent do not think they will be able to find an affordable plan

  • Nine percent do not want to be forced to something buy.

  • Three percent would rather pay the fine than pay for health insurance.

Source: Kaiser Family Foundation

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