Employee retention idea - Invest in your Manager

12:55 PM
Employee retention idea - Invest in your Manager -

to all the different managers you have had Think back in your Professional life. There is a good chance that you have had some of the good manager, and some of the bad manager. It's also a good chance that you had you will never forget one of the few large managers. These types of managers helped you become the professional that you are today. Exceptional managers are not only good to have it. The difference between a successful business and one that performs poorly Employee Retention Idea

as such, it is no surprise that as much as 80% of employee turnover is due to poor management. Employees are departing managers typically, not the company. Knowing this, here's a simple idea, employee loyalty - to your managers invest.

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Why Keep your manager

button your manager one of your biggest time should be investment. It is an integral part of your business and are the key to reduce employee turnover. Not only that, they entrusted the responsibility for the management of various teams, but they are with conveying the company's vision, direction mission and brand.

Setting Manager for success

  • to the vision capture : If you get your manager how passionately felt about your business as you are, you're set.? the question is how to do this, Something you first need to ask yourself is, "I understand clearly what is the face of my company?", it If not, find out - write it down. Once you know your vision inside and out, sharing it with your managers. Help them to see the big picture - the future and what you want to be your business. Ask as well, to help them jump on board your manager for feedback and ideas.

  • communicate : If there is one thing that badly damaged the company's ability to succeed, it is the lack of communication. You need to communicate it to a priority with managers, and your managers will have to do the same for their departments. Encourage your managers to have an open communication with which to manage them. No one likes to feel they can not talk about a problem, or send a great idea they have. Make you give it a priority for managers a favorable environment for communication and inspiration.

increase productivity, turnover

Once your managers have begun to capture the vision of the company, and they their departments conveyor, you will begin to notice a change. Employees will begin to stick to and turnover is much lower. In addition, will increase productivity. That's because a happy employee is a productive one . in your manager to invest in a successful business have emerged to work and thrive is ready.

In fact, 29% of employees wasting one to two hours per day and 21% waste two to five hours in a day - many of these employees who currently are wasting in direct consequence of their management. If managers successfully incorporate the vision and the passion of the company with their daily work, employees are less likely to waste time, because they understand the vision and feel that are part of it.

to invest in your Manager is a simple and cost-effective employee retention idea. Training, development and your small business "vision in your Manager instillation will enable them to have a positive impact on every employee -. You will be the manager that remind your staff the rest of their lives

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