Survey shows a decline in 2015 market premiums

7:27 PM
Survey shows a decline in 2015 market premiums -

quickly approaching with open enrollment, it has a lot hype about the projected market interest rate increases for 2015, although a preliminary analysis by Pricewaterhouse Cooper reported an overall projected rate increase of 8.2 percent, a new poll by the Kaiser Family Foundation shows around that market prices fall slightly this year.

an analysis of 2015 premium changes in the market

a preliminary analysis of the 2015 market rate filings showed a projected increase of 8.2 percent, the average monthly premium departing at around $ 385 are met. After analyzing the KFF, the average market premium is an average of -0.8 percent decreases Silver_Premium_Percent_Change chart :. Kaiser Family Foundation

The average monthly premium, but does not include the premium tax credits are for the majority of individuals and families who purchase on the public health insurance marketplaces.

have much to do with areas Rating premium costs. Since there are more than 500 evaluation areas under the Affordable Care Act, for the purposes of this study, the KFF examined premium changes in the measurement area, which includes examined a large city in each of the 15 states.

The analysis looked at the premium for the change of the lowest cost options that they studied in the States. For each area, the premium changes with the lowest cost Bronze plan and the two lowest cost silver plans were examined, as these are the most frequently chosen plans under market enrollees were silver_plans_for_non_smoker chart :. Kaiser Family Foundation

As seen above, premium changes for 2014 in the table above areas and between the insurers are very different. The premium changes is a function based on the makeup of each identified risk pool, and how exactly projected insurers to the mix of healthy and sick people in their risk pools.

The KFF indicates that states with high first-year enrollment rates have balanced risk pools should, during "Conversely, it means that non-compliant plans allowed under a federal can continue over ~~ POS = TRUNC less balanced risk pools as healthier than the average person probably remained in the plans are not compliant. "

since the market place of the second year of operation occurs, another big health insurance companies entered the market places or expand their presence in the markets.

For example, Assurant Health is entering the public market in 16 states and United Healthcare will market presence of five countries in 2014, Aetna, Humana expanded as many as 24 states in 2015 and Cigna are also market listing in 2015

the expanded KFF analysis points out the importance of shopping for market coverage at open enrollment 2015 because they could not find a significantly lower premium. The analysis points out: "How willing people are to change plans not only influence on what they feel the forces of competition in the future and how much pressure insurers next year, but how much to keep premium increases modest. numbers "

for consumers, this news means more individual health plans to choose from and more competitive in many of the state marketplaces. This increases competition among carriers help rates in 2015

to keep

What do you think about the proposed prices in the market for 2015?

Read the full survey at Kaiser Family Foundation

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