2015 open enrollment dates and deadlines

9:52 PM
2015 open enrollment dates and deadlines -

This article discusses important dates and deadlines for open during this year's year health insurance get avoid enrollment period and for the individual mandate penalty in 2015 2015 Open Enrollment Dates and Deadlines

2015 open enrollment dates and deadlines

  • November 15, 2014: for individual health insurance open enrollment began (ie Qualified Health plans).

  • December 15, 2014: to request time if you would like to begin coverage until January 1, 2015.
  • 1 January 2015 :. Earliest date for coverage plans during the 2015 open enrollment period

  • February 15, 2015 purchased Open enrollment ends. If you miss this deadline, you have to wait to enroll until autumn 2015 if you have a qualifying life event as a marriage, birth of a child to change substantial income or loss of a job based health insurance . Then you can enroll during a special enrollment period .

  • October 15, 2015 - December 7, 2015: Open enrollment period for 2016 coverage (subject to change).

Enrollment Period: From:

2015 open enrollment period

(reporting in 2015)

15th November 2014 February 15, 2015

special Enrollment period

(after a qualifying event)

In general, 60 days after the qualifying life event

See table below for open enrollment periods 2015-2020

FAQ: What if I Miss open enrollment for an individual health plan?

If you miss open enrollment, and not enrolled in a health plan until February 15, 2015 you have your chance, probably missed coverage to buy for the year - it unless you have called a qualifying life event a significant change in circumstance. There are several types of qualifying life events such as marriage, birth of a child, change in income, loss of job-based health insurance, permanent move to a new area, etc.

If you have forgotten the time, this also means that you'll probably make a penalty for having no insurance. In 2015, the penalty $ 325 a person is up to a maximum of three times as much for a family ($ 975) or 2% of household income greater when.

Read if you miss more about your options open enrollment.

Guide to Open Enrollment

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